4.7.14 Rain-Shmain!

Driving to Barwis is now an hour-long ordeal because I-96 is closed and it will be for a while.  As I am driving to Barwis it begins to rain.  In spite of the rain, my body feels okay.  I had already made the decision to make the best of things in spite of the weather last week and I also believe it that I felt good in comparison to how I felt the previous weekend.  I had the flu.  Bodyache, headache, sick to my stomach, the whole 9 yards.  I spent Sunday in and out of coherency and I went to work on Monday, yesterday.  I was also going to Barwis.  But I was feeling good so BRING IT!  I get into Barwis and Phil begins stretching me and tells me that I feel pretty good to which I reply, “RAIN-SHMAIN!”

We head over to the Keiser machine and I get set to stand.  I stand and give it my all.  When I finally sit, Phil shows me the timer on his phone which reads 40 seconds and some change and he tells me that it was over a minute because he didn’t start timing it right away.  My second stand was over a minute as well so I am feeling pretty good.  But then comes my third stand in which I feel GREAT!!!  I stood and my legs were beginning to shake and I thought I was going to fall into my chair but then I got my second wind and stood fully upright again!  *BINK* after which I made some kind of excited yelp! I thought I was collapsing again but then I see Backey come in and I got a THIRD wind!  How unheard of!!!  Phil timed me and when I finally sat, he showed me the timer and it was 2:38 and some change!  I was SUPER excited and Phil had his hand palm up on his thigh.  I told him to give me his fist and he just shook his head and smiled.  I told him that he stinks and he said it was because he was ,”smart.”  I stood over a minute two more times and then we were finished.

I felt REALLY good!  After my last stand, Phil put his fist out so OF COURSE I grabbed it and yelled, “Joystick!” As he pulled his fist away he told me to, “Get out of the gym!”  He smiled and Backey congratulated me and told me what a good job I did and Phil agreed and said that he was “proud of me.”  Thanks Phil!!!  I’m proud of me too!!!

Backey took me out to my car which I got in ALL BY MYSELF!!!  EVEN MY LEGS!!!  Backey DID have to help me adjust my feet a little bit because I was tired.  I texted Phil that I got into the car ALL  BY MYSELF!!! RAIN-SHMAIN!!!  Leaving Barwis, I have to turn left instead of right.  Right gets me onto the freeway and left gets me into a subdivision in Plymouth.  I TOTALLY got lost.  It was raining, Onstar had to reroute my car TWICE, and my butt really hurt from standing but I still was smiling!!!  Phil sent me these:

Barwis 4.7.14    2nd stand

Barwis 4.7.14 2   3rd stand

Barwis 4.7.14 3  4th stand

Barwis 5ht stand  5th stand

That’s A LOT of standing!  No wonder my butt hurt!  It STILL hurts as I write this.  I still am smiling about my stands and am excited for “Walking Wednesday” #23.  I think it really IS starting to happen and that feels REALLY GOOD!!!