B.E.D. Diet

I started the B.E.D diet on January 9, 2011.  Parker, Lori, and Deb had a series of seminars/classes that helped me grasp the idea of the book/diet a little easier.  Those classes were the MOST helpful for me.  The basic premise of the diet is NO SUGAR.  Of any kind, that includes fruit.  No diary either.  This was something that I thought I was going to be hard for me.  I haven’t had a glass of milk in two years and I’m okay with that.  The book more extensively lays out the different elements of the diet and why it is beneficial.  It really isn’t a diet though, it is a LIFE CHANGE.  This diet helps me with my symtoms that I deal with in having MS.  I FEEL so much better!  The first year of the diet, I didn’t cheat.  AT ALL.  Now, when I DO cheat, I feel AWFUL!  It’s NOT worth it.

Another aspect of the diet is fermented young coconut water kefir.  My Mom used to make it for me (I do not have good enough hand-eye coordination to trust myself with a cleaver!) But now I just buy it from bodyecology.com.  There is a PLETHORA of information on this site!  It is INTENSE in the beginning but then it gets better and once you start to feel better; the desire to eat sugar goes away!