3.29.16 Hey, It’s Me

Even though Dr. Frush had approved me to go back to Barwis, Luba and I talked about it and it would be an easier transition to Barwis if I started at the beginning of the month.  Elle agreed and is working on putting me back on the schedule because it’s been awhile.  I was still kind of “down” when I got to ATI.  Luba stretched my leg out and that felt nice.  My leg no longer hurts like it used to.  It was a constant ache.  I didn’t even get excited because I had feeling in my leg because it ached so badly.

Luba has helped that pain go away but with that pain leaving, I wondered if my brain’s ability to communicate with my leg muscles had left too.  Neither of my legs have gotten the major workout I would get at Barwis since the tear.  I wondered if I could get that back. Luba told me that she was excited for me to back to Barwis and continue my work toward walking.  I feel the EXACT same way (not that I don’t like ATI)!  I worried because my attempts at moving my leg when Luba stretches me are SO pitiful!

Luba put my leg over her shoulder and told me to push down.  I tried with all of my might and Luba’s eyes brightened and she said that my leg muscles were saying in a small voice, Hey, it’s me.”  This made me smile and like ALL hope wasn’t lost.  The connection was still there even if it was just in the slightest.  I’ll take it!  With as determined as I am to walk, I’ll work with it!