12.9.15 “Wacky Sock Wednesday #37 OR “Force Them to Relax” OR Good Sh*t

My legs were really tight and they felt “gnarl-y.”  I worked with Mike and it was evident how tight my legs were.  It took some REAL stretching on his part to get them to loosen up before we could begin our PNFs.  It had been a little while since I had last been there but the weather wasn’t bad so it really stunk that my legs were so tight.  He told me to, “Force them [my legs] to relax!”  It was silent for a moment and then we both started to laugh.  He admitted it was a contradictory statement and I continued to laugh at its oxymoronic nature but at the same time; I tried to will my legs to relax.  They slowly began to but it wasn’t from my will but from Mike’s strength.  Once my legs were loose, I could begin our PNFs.  Mike told me to pull my right leg down and I did as he held my leg up for resistance.  I pulled my leg down all the way to the table and when I was finished, Mike told me that it was, “Good sh*t.”

I laughed  and kept laughing every time Mike said it.  I joined in saying it too because I was making a good showing with my PNFs.  I pushed and pulled as if I knew what I was doing.  As if I could easily control my legs.  Mike raised my left leg higher so I was able to take this picture for “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #37:


I tweeted this one but didn’t want to crop the picture any further because you could really see Mike’s beard that he’s been growing for a while.

I would like to report that I did extraordinary things but given how tight my legs were when I got here; all I can report is a good showing in my PNFs.  It frustrates me that I just get stretched the whole time but I understand the value of PNFs as Mike Rhoades used to explain to me so long ago.  I can only do so much when my body is resisting me so badly but over time; my PNFs have proved to be some “Good sh*t.”

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