6.29.15 Loosey-Goosey

On Monday, I called Barwis on my way there to tell Elle that I was going to be late to my 5:00 time slot but she was able to move me to 6:00. So. Instead I was super early for my 6:00 instead of kind of late for my 5:00.  Nick took me at like 5:30.  He started kneading my calves as I sat in my chair.  It was here that it became apparent that my cankles were on their way out (but not completely) and my left leg was tighter than my right leg when historically it has been my right leg that is my “poop leg” but not today.  Nick worked my legs as Nick, Hether, and Mike Morphitt talked about student living at Central.  Apparently, Mike was a “Chip” also. Nick put me on the blue table and Heather grabbed my arms as Nick pushed my legs toward the middle of the table.

Nick gave Heather the choice of right or left leg.  She was already on my left side so she chose my left leg.  As soon as she put her hand on my knee, she could feel how tight my leg was and I looked at her apologetically and told her that she has “chosen wrong” kind of dramatically and I thought of that one Indiana Jones movie.  Nick started stretching my right leg over his shoulder.  I was used to this stretch because Jesse, Adam, and Mike all have stretched me like this.  As Nick was doing this, my hip popped and Nick looked at me alarmed but I smiled and told him that it felt good.  My leg felt loose as he finished and Heather began working on my right leg.  As she was doing this, my knee popped which startled her but it also felt good.

Nick had me roll onto my stomach and I did some PNF stretching.  It was so tiring!  My time was up so I rolled over on to my back.  Nick asked me how I felt and I said.  “Loose.  Loosely-Goosey!” He laughed and put me back in my chair.  He pushed me out to my car where my Mom was and we both said that I was, “Loosey-Goosey” when she asked me how I felt.  My Mom helped me into my car.  I was tired but felt good.  I read a tweet yesterday that said:


This tweet helped me put my current progress in my journey to walking into proper perspective.  It’s frustrating how long this is all taking but Phil told me SO long ago that ANY day I come to Barwis is progress.  I felt SO good Monday evening so it was easier to understand. I favorited and retweeted it.