Oh, How Times Have Changed?!

Recently, my Mom and I were talking and she asked me when I started waking up at 4:30 in the morning to get ready for work. I thought about it and I told her that I’m pretty sure I started waking up early in 2009 when I bought my house. She kind of thought for a moment and marveled at the fact that I seriously used to do that every single weekday!

We were quiet for a moment after we both realized that I seriously would wake up at 4:30 in the morning! We were silent just for a minute and then we both started to laugh! I could not ever imagine waking up that early in the morning now! It’s crazy how much times have changed! I never thought it would be this much change but here we are.

My Mom called the office for the speech pathologist today. I gave her my medical record number and she did the talking. The woman does not have availability until October at about noon. My Mom explained how we need appointments later in the day. So my appointment with the speech pathologist is November 9 in order to get a decent time slot.

We will just need to make minor adjustments to our routine. I just well wash my hair the day before my appointment. That’s another thing that has changed! For my entire time working, I wash my hair every single morning. Actually, I will take that back. There was one day when my power was out for a week and me and Sean had to stay in a hotel.

It was before I got my generator and I remember sitting in the teachers lounge at lunch and talking to Mr. Cooper. He asked me how it was going with me not having an power. I looked at him and pointed to my head and told him, “THIS is dirty hair!“ I remember him laughing and telling me that it didn’t look bad. Well, I will go with that and go out in public with my hair not being washed! But I’ve already done that a few times at this point.

It is really CRAZY how timed have changed because I used to wash my hair every day and now I can’t even wash it myself!

Pierogi and Sour Cream?

I’ve really been thinking about this since my swallow test last Thursday. But before I say seriously write about this and all of my concerns regarding my chewing abilities, I first need to write about it using my inappropriate humor before I think you read about it seriously.

i’ve been drinking my breakfast and lunch for a while now but I am extremely concerned about my chewing abilities these days. Sean came over yesterday and brought pierogi from Sabina‘s. When he brought the food in, I explained to him that he should cut the pirogi in half and put that in the largest Pampered Chef bowl and bring me a fork.

He did just that and brought me milk to eat. We sat and ate and it takes me a lot longer to eat now! He brought me a ramekin of sour cream. He ate the food and we talked. I couldn’t believe how long it was taking me to eat potato pirogi! Chewing is seriously an issue for me now!

I asked Sean to bring me more sour cream as I was finished with that and still had pirogi left. He got it and said to me, “I can’t believe you are ruining a good pierogi with sour cream“ I started to laugh and explained to him that I am NOT Polish! It was his turn to laugh and he said yes he put more sour cream in the ramekin, “You Mexicans LOVE your sour cream!”

We both laughed for a while because he is Mexican to! When I was first introduced out to pierogi, It was served with sour cream and I really like it! Seriously though, the speech pathologist told me last Thursday that I should use lots of sauces and gravies when I eat to make what I am eating softer and easier to chew.

I really don’t like thinking about that because there’s so many foods that I no longer can enjoy but I would used to laugh at Sean and me having differences in the evening pierogi because I can eat that! I just think that from now on, my pierogi needs to be cut in fourths so it’s easier for me to chew. But for now, I will just laugh about pierogi and sour cream instead of thinking about my loss of ability to chew.

T-3 OR Chef 3 of 4

This song was the second song I noticed The first time I watch the movie. My Mom would hum it and I would tell her not to but she constantly was doing it. I had to tell her why I asked her not to him it:

Road trip sing-alongs are TREMENDOUSLY fun!!! Especially when I’m with my cousinT, Shannon!!

So, let me set up my reasoning of me NOT really wanting her to hum this song. She thinks that had something to do with my Dad and it does NOT because that would be GROSS!!! TOTALLY GROSS!!!

I would say to picture Sean being this old. I cannot confirm or deny that that song reminds me of a ringtone for someone I used to know and furthermore, I cannot comment on my phone being in his toddler diaper bag (smaller than an infant diaper bag but he wasn’t ready to carry his own bag yet) and being in the checkout line at Target because we were buying him Spiderman fruit snacks. That would really be embarrassing not being able to find the phone until the song had played and its entirety! Not that I know, but I am just speculating.

This song was that person‘s ringtone because I had just seen this movie:

After seeing the guys singing in the food truck, I was reminded of Jack Black singing “Let’s Get it On” and that’s why I asked her not to hum it.
this movie has such a GREAT soundtrack!:


I saw an Olive Garden commercial today and this song they played showing shots of their food was Selena Gomez!!! Is this how it is now?! That song came out when I was in adult! I AM SO OLD!!! I don’t think Selena was talking about food. Just sayin.’ I didn’t think I was THAT old but I’m a little over six months away from 40 so…

A Refresh

It’s been a minute but I think my YouTube feed refreshed and I was able to see this video:

Maybe that’s what it’s doing, just posting videos that I have never seen before of songs that I love so I get to enjoy them! At least, that’s what I’m telling myself! I love you so much, Bono!!!

Further Proof of, “No Espace”

So, I had my latest MRI on Tuesday. It was a neck and brain MRI. I had never had an MRI in the downtown hospital so that was a new experience for me. It was in the basement. We were told where to go and after we wound through a bunch of hallways, we reached Bay 1 where my MRI was going to take place.

Laila told us to wait for a moment because somebody was using the machine. So I’ve written before that my Mom comes with me to ALL of myself medical appointments. Tuesday evening, I completely remembered why that is!!!!

We were directed to a room well I was going to have my MRI. There was a small gurney where I would lay down to be pushed into the machine. Two young women technicians were there as my Mom and I came into the room. When we entered the room, my Mom surveyed the situation as one of the technicians asked very politely, “ how can we help?“ I looked at my Mom and she made one statement. She said, “Just stand there and watch.”

I immediately heard Bruno Mars in my head:

I think the women were a little bit shocked but they didn’t say anything and marveled at how well my Mom transferred to me. This was further proves that there is no espace between me and my Mom! The MRI lasted almost 2 hours and when I came out of the machine, two young guys were there and Laila who is running the machine was there as well.

My Mom easily put me back into my wheelchair. There were two male technicians when she did this and because I was laying on a sheet and would slip off the gurney easily, she told them that I have no core strength and to hold me which they did!

I have more to say about my MRI experience but I’m still processing that but I thought I would share that my Mom is the best in the world! One of the men holding me in place on the gurney said something about how well my Mom transferred me and she responded that she does this every day! Because she does! Multiple times!

Oh, Shan!!!

Just now, nestled deep in my YouTube feed, I saw this video and immediately thought of my cousinT, Shannon!!!

This song will FOREVER be special to me and remind me of her and our, “Super Binges” BEFORE those were a thing!


I had an MRI last night and I’m still processing evenys from that time before I can write about it. But, one thing I can write about pretty easily is that as I was going down the long hallway that I have been using so many times over the years. She was on the opposite end of the hallway and as I was coming down the hallway and we approached each other, she smiled and asked me a question.

I was wearing my Michigan sweatshirt (The one without the bleach stain on the arm) and she smiled at me and asked, “Is that football or basketball?” as we passed teach other. She was referring to my sweatshirt and I kind of laughed and gave her the best and most honest answer I that could. I called to her over my shoulder and just said one word, “Both.”

My 5 Senses

I had a fond memory this afternoon when I put my chapstick on for the first time today. The memory came about so quickly and I think that I can explain it using pretty much all of my senses! I am wearing the pomegranate flavor for my chapstick today:

In order to use up my summer flavors, I have used a different flavor for each day of the week. Thursday, however, is reserved for cucumber mint because that is my favorite!

The memory was sparked immediately when I opened the chapstick cap and a very small amount of chapstick that was left to be used fell out of the tube. I was able to catch the little plunger as it fell out of the chapstick tube. As I was putting it back in, I smelled the pomegranate chapstick and I thought of Barwis. I wore the pomegranate chapstick in the early days of working out at Barwis and I remember smelling that the day my cousinT, Shannon, came with me.

So, my sense of smell is in use in this memory because of the pomegranate chapstick but if I’m going to talk about Barwis, I cannot forget the overwhelming smell of a turfed football field! That’s what it smells like!:

These pictures were not from the day my cousinT came to Barwis with me but it’s from that first summer I’ve trained at Barwis! Back before the current renovations were completed. Jesse stretched me out similar to this each time we tried to get steps off.

So, with my senses engaged, I have sight, smell, taste, (I’m chewing my peppermint five gum then and now) and touch taken care. It only leaves hearing. I love that I thought of this particular day with my cousinT, Shannon coming with me to Barwis. I naïvely thought that it would be a lateral progression to me walking. I did not think about all of the variables and how it would ebb and flow.

But back then, the summer of 2013, I had recently heard and decided on my, “Walking Song” on the radio. I remember that day with my cousinT about how that song would be my Walking Song”:

So, I loved the video when I first heard this song and I wanted to be able to dance again one day. Jesse told me that would be a long way off but back then I was so motivated and I stupidly believed that I would walk again.

No Espace

So, it’s common knowledge that I like to watch the same movies over and over again which I think is a trait I learned from my Mom. It has worked out with her staying with me throughout this pandemic because we have a very similar taste in movies. A few weeks ago, we saw, Spanglish, and my Mom and I have quoted it often! Last night as I was drying my hands, I was clearly reminded exactly why we “it!

The quote we say from the movie is toward the end and it is when the mom speaks to the daughter. The mom does not speak English very well and the daughter is growing up in the United States. She tells her that she needs space from her mom and turns away from her. The mom looks at her, grabs her shoulder, and tells her that,There is no espace between us.”

Last night, as we were completing our routine to get me ready for bed, I was staring off into space and drying my hands when I said with a far away look in my eye, I said, “I wish…” and a good deal regret in my voice as I thought of all of my limitations that have come about in the past five years. But before I could finish that statement, my Mom simply said, “Me too.

I looked at her and we met eyes and in those moments without speaking so much, we realized, (REALLY I realized) that there REALLY is no espace between us.