I really feel like this was MY OWN personal Super Bowl!! My man won (whom I have loved since 2009 when he entered the league and was playing for Detroit) and I ABSOLUTELY loved the halftime show!!! My Mom, not so much!!! And the only reason my Mom has seen it is because I have watched it three times on my TV and once on my phone!
On Sunday, when Sean and I were watching the game together, he also enjoyed the halftime show because he has been familiar with the music because of me. it wasn’t until Eminem came on when the tears started streaming down my face! (Add they seem to stream down that way each of the four times I have watched the halftime show already). Sean asked me why I was crying and I didn’t look at him but continued watching the show and just said, “I bought the CD and listened to it on loop in my car this summer after I graduated high school. It was before I started college, before I was diagnosed with MS and before I was a Mom. It was simpler times!”
I saw this post on Facebook just after the Super Bowl and it completely resonated with me for so many reasons!!!:
I think that I will queue up the game now for the fifth time on my DVR. Well, not the WHOLE game. I will start with the halftime show and I’ll watch the last 4 minutes of the game and the trophy ceremony. I am pretty sure, almost positive that I will cry again when Eminem performs…
I have been thinking about my Dad a lot lately. After 15 years, I have resigned myself to just live with this ache in my chest regarding him.
Anyone who knew my Dad, knows that he was NOT extremely demonstrative. That being the case, I DO have a few pictures of us together and I ALWAYS knew that my Dad loved me!
I think it was the Saturday before he died that I clearly remember him sitting at my Parents’ dining room table and I kissed him on the right side of his forehead and I just said, “I love you, Daddy.” I remember that he told me that he loves me too.
I also remember that and that Sunday, my Mom took Sean to Greenfield Village and I stayed at their house to be with my Dad. I remember that I called my Mom because my Dad did not sound well. She came home early from Greenfield Village with Sean. I was too chicken to say anything to my dad before I left and instead, told Sean to, “Kiss Grandfather goodbye.“
The last thing that I remember my Dad say was some thing like, “Come here, Handsome.”
I have already watched the halftime show three times and the game twice. My friend texted me this video and I was speechless. I absolutely love Matthew Stafford and I have never had a daughter but hearing him say that he loved his girls made me think of my Dad:
I saw my Facebook memories on Valentine’s Day and I had just left a special message for my Dad 4 years ago:
I really DO miss him! My Dad used to always buy AL of us our Valentine’s day hearts the day AFTER Valentine’s Day. My Mom would get her Valentine’s Day heart, and my Dad would buy four red hearts and one pink heart. The pink heart was for me! I never knew that he bought our Valentine’s Day hearts the day AFTER Valentine’s Day because they were cheaper.
I told a colleague about that and he laughed and said that he was going to do that because it was Valentine’s Day and he would not see his wife or kids until super late at night.
I am NOT even going to eat a pink Valentine’s day heart AT ALL but I liked thinking about my Dad doing that for all of us the day AFTER Valentine’s Day! So, you know what today is, right?!
I have been frequenting The Feisty Ginger for long time! I really do LOVE my mugs and I was able to get two of them for my Mom and me for Valentine’s Day. My Mom’s mug is on the left because she walks Leia and the one on the right is mine because love KIND OF bites for me!
My Mom made me those cinnamon donuts for the Super Bowl because she knows how important my Super Bowl food was for me. Now, I can no longer chew very easily so I had pirogi for the Super Bowl. She made the donuts for me because I had the mix from the last Pampered Chef party I had. She just surprised me with a few of them yesterday during the Super Bowl.
The BEST part of this package that I received was that I received my first birthday present!!! Deirdre, the owner of the shop, was in my brother’s class in grade school.
So, it’s Valentine’s Day and I ate those three donuts but I don’t want to eat much more sweet things because I AM going to receive a pink Valentine’s Day heart tomorrow from my Dad. Right Daddy? And I was not being serious with that last sentence because my Dad hasn’t been around for 15 years…
I would always arrive one hour early to a movie that I was going to see. Sean has ALWAYS made fun of me! But I’m okay with that; besides, you should ALWAYS be prepared just in case. Maybe it’s because of that reasoning that I just received a package today from Amazon:
You may not tell what it is from the packaging but I am keeping it wrapped up until I need it. What I ordered, is back up extra flavors for the fall!:
I really liked that it had just the three fall flavors I wanted and I use the pomegranate between seasons as well! Because of Target’s sneaky trick, I have extra salted caramel (Which I never liked – but will use it until it’s gone).
So now, couple this delivery from a delivery from a few days ago, now my fall and winter months are set!!!
So, it has been three weeks to the day sensei lost the To my Chapstick and head to make a, “Bag of Chapstick.” I was waiting for my speech pathologist to join a video call and she actually saw me meticulously put the Chapstick back into the bag so the Chapstick that was hanging out did not get ruined. We had other things to talk about so I did not even address that with her. I think that tonight for the daily text messages that I send to her that have to be spoken I will tell her about it now that the, “Bag of Chapstick” is NOT a thing any longer.
i used this Chapstick until I could only press the Chapstick tube onto my lips because it hurt too badly to have the plastic scrape my lips. I blotted in my lips with cocoa mint and then I went to have my hair washed. By the time my Mom was finished washing my hair and my hair was dry, my lips were also dry so when I got back into my wheelchair, I wheeled over and put my Vanilla Bean Chapstick on EXTREMELY liberally!
I actually wanted to wait until tomorrow to change flavors but my lips couldn’t handle that. I used it all up! I could have my Mom scrape out Chapstick from the plastic; but it’s not that serious! I’m not going to say that I don’t have her do that because I do when we’re talking about deodorant but Chapstick is a little more affordable can you don’t need to use it until the absolute end but I used it until it hurt my lips.
so now, I am rubbing my lips together to keep them moisturized and I will have Vanilla Bean flavor on my lips until the weather breaks. Except for Mondays and Thursdays. On those days, I use my Shortbread Cookie Chapstick and I have been doing that since the beginning of January because I want to use the Shortbread Cookie chapstick up because I don’t think I will get it again for next year. I chose Monday and Wednesday because normally, that is my “cheese Day” but it’s too cold to eat fresh mozzarella cheese in the winter! That’s more of a spring and summer thing which will be a COMPLETELY different Chapstick flavor choice! I do feel completely accomplished by having used this entire tube of Chapstick.
I feel that I am having somewhat of an, “MS-y” day! I have been working with my speech pathologist and what we have started doing is to have me read children’s books. I understand this because my background in reading tells me that to read books with lots of alliteration helps with speaking. I decided to try this book because it is my absolute favorite and I must have read it to Sean 1 million times!:
I got lost in my memories the first time I read it. I was back living in my Parents’ house and sleeping in my bedroom growing up with a crib next to my bed. It was comforting to read the book and to read it out loud that helps with my speech but it reminded me of reading it to my child! I have decided that if I was going to pick up colors for today it would be brown. I have added the two pages that explain a “Brown day” and I think that’s how I feel right about now…
My speech pathologist wants me to read it aloud daily and I also have to dictate unedited text messages to her. I appreciate all of the work she is doing with me too help me to keep as much of my speech as I can for as long as I can. I still have a lot of work to do today but it is a brown day so I am not motivated…
So my man, Matthew Stafford, the quarterback of the Los Angeles Rams, isp in the NFC title game!!!
This is a very strange position for me to be in! I watched these two clips on Twitter before the game this last weekend and I started to get nervous.
And then I saw this one and I really got nervous!!!:
I have since reconnected with a high school friend and we talk football all of the time! Right after the Stafford trade, I told him that I already bought a jersey for Sean. I told John that he hast to wear this for me because I love Matthew Stafford!:
That picture was taken in the summer add my nephew’s graduation party. I knew that was going to be a good investment! Well, I didn’t KNOW that it would be but I knew that I would always LOVE Matthew Stafford!
I was on the fence about becoming a true Rams fan in the beginning of the season and as the weeks went by, he told me that he is sorry but I already AM a Rams fan! He lives in Texas and he sent me this for Christmas:
I talk with one other high school friend who has not been a believer in Matthew Stafford ever and I constantly defend him and put faith in him for the next season!
So the game started and I was flying high with tons of, “Woos” to go around and lots of clapping And, “ I love you Matty!” My Mom had left to go to her house so I was alone to watch the game. I was having a great time until the second half started after I received this text but I already knew it so I was nervous:
And then I received this text from my other friend:
And then the game ended and all was well! I texted my Barwis trainer, Adam, (who I called Phil). I had previously sent him my Facebook profile picture where Matthew Stafford won his first playoff game. I actually watched Monday night football with Adam one night at Barwis and so he witnessed firsthand May, “I love you Matty!” Shouts!
I texted him this about Sunday’s game:
And he responded to me with:
My friend texted me this fact that he saw in a twee later in the evening:
And then I share that fact with our other high school friend:
And then I sent him this and here is his response:
I really can’t believe that this is happening! Well, actually I CAN believe it but I really can’t! Then I saw the Tweet from GMFB today which made me happy!!!
And then to hear from the man of the hour! Matty himself!
I am excited because I have never had a horse in the race this far into the playoffs but I’m happy to say that I am consistent! Sean gives me a lot of junk for abandoning the Lions but I told him that I have always been a Matthew Stafford sand and then I’m consistent! I treated this to him after the Game because he KNOWS that I love him!!!
My friend told me to call her husband and talk smack to him about Matthew winning but I was so tired yesterday but a good way!
I clearly remember hearing this song playing in the background as the announcers were talking while I was watching the Cardinals v Rams Wildcard Game. I thought that I would write a blog post about this song because it was so random that I heard it. I remember being 11 years old and buying this single tape with my OWN money because I liked this song so much! It was $2.99 and I felt it was totally worth it because I had my own tape player and I could listen to it endlessly, which I did!
I just read on Facebook this morning that Meatloaf has died. I feel kind of morbid posting this today but I have been thinking about this since that game and I figured I’d share it now: