
It had to be about 10 years ago when my brother asked me what I did in my room when I was a kid and I was in there by myself for so long. My answer was simple and I told him, “Reading.” Duh! For my New Year’s resolution this year, that was just it, Reading. I set a goal for a number of books to have read by the end of the year.

I have read every day since January 1st. I saw a commercial when watching a YouTube video that talked about how much reading you need to do in order to average a book a week. My goal has been to do that much reading each day but my eyes have a different idea though.

I think it really stinks that I spent my lifetime being an avid reader, became an English teacher, taught and became the Reading Specialist after getting my masters degree and now, my eyes shake so I can’t focus on reading because of MS.

I’m not sure if it’s the heat, the humidity, the change in my routine (the MSU orientation), the fact that my knee popped out this morning, or a combination of all of them but my eyes are shaking and my speech is slurred. I just haven’t felt up to reading since Thursday. I can’t do audio books because I fall asleep while listening to them.

My eyes shaking and my speech being slurred are new developments but I am pretty sure that my knee pain has everything to do it! Hopefully Monday, my eyes will relax and I will be able to go back to reading. I would also like it if my speech stopped being slurred!

Books I’m Reading 7.9.19

OK, so I know I have a couple of books unfinished which I will finish before the end of the year but I received this one in the mail today:

I immediately began reading it and I can’t read it fast enough! I read for his long as my eyes would allow me to! Hopefully, I will give my eyes a little bit of a rest and continue reading later on today. From what I have already read, I already know that I LOVE it!!!

My Queue

Today is the third day in which I have slept a large part of the afternoon and then into the evening. I just opened my eyes and I am super groggy. I think it’s terrible that even after a long sleep, I NEVER feel rested.

I have felt this way since getting back from my days at hotels when my power was out. It’s frustrating to me that I can’t just, “Bounce Back.”

What seems to happen is that I fall asleep with the TV on and maybe 45 minutes or an hour later I turn it off and fall back asleep for another hour or two. I wake up and look at, “My queue.”

Those are the books that I still need to finish. I have already started a few of them but I can’t seem to gather the strength to concentrate and read. My eyes are wonky anyway. The last time I read it was July 20th before my power went out. I hope to restart and complete reading them again soon!

Maybe I should just remove them from the corner of the desk under my TV but I choose to think this stack will encourage me to begin reading sooner than later. I just turned Pride and Prejudice on again but I fear that I may fall asleep again. I can’t get over how tired I am! MS really stinks! Oh, and my knee still pops out which hurts a whole lot!


OK, so I have a bunch of posts I have to post on my blog but my Mom told me today that I am having more, “Bad days” than I am, “Good days.” It’s the scary truth but that’s how it is! Let me let you go all in on what I dealt with this past Saturday.

I had an MRI scheduled for November 6th and I was not able to make it and my Mom was able to reschedule it for me for this past Saturday, November 30th. I was bummed that I would not be able to watch the Michigan v Ohio State game but we took the L so…

Let me explain that I was born into the same health system I currently attend. I was born in 1982 and my Mom took me to the satellite Fairlane clinic for my entire life as I grew up. We got our glasses there and my pediatrician was there. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in the downtown Hospital of that same health system in 2000.

I started seeing a neurologist annually back then. In 2002, I changed neurologists and saw him every year until he retired a couple years ago. I have seen my new neurologist at the same clinic for the past couple of years. She wants to get an updated MRI for me. I have had many MRIs and I am very familiar with the drill.

My Mom and I headed to the Fairlane clinic to get the MRI. It is adjacent to the emergency room where my Dad died 13 years ago. Not a lot has changed structurally since I last went there but the eyeglass store is no longer there and the clinic where I had my ultrasound to find out the sex of my son has changed over to a place with a phone at the check-in desk where my Mom called the listed number to notify them that we were there to get the MRI.

It was at this juncture where things started to go badly. My Nom called the number and spoke with the MRI clinic which was located in the basement of that building. My Mom was told that I needed to go down the stairs to get the MRI done. My Mom, being my caregiver and champion let the woman know that that was not possible. I have Multiple Sclerosis and use a wheelchair. It is impossible for me to use the stairs. The woman told my Mom that I needed to use the stairs because the only elevator to the basement was out of commission.

I immediately began to see red! The only thing keeping me from the 8 o’clock news that day was the fact that the woman came up the stairs and was so apologetic to me. She told me that I should’ve been notified that there was no way for me to get to the basement. I told her that I was born into this health system and was diagnosed with MS in 2000 and started using a wheelchair full-time in 2006 after my Dad died. All of this was in the computer!

So, of course I did not get my MRI. We need to call and reschedule that appointment but what was glaringly obvious is that that building is completely inaccessible to me. It’s a hospital! Sick people go there! Wheelchair-bound people go there! How was I not thought of there of all places?!

It is such a sad commentary of our society and then it’s inaccessibility for people like me who use wheelchairs every day! I am still trying to recover from that incident on Saturday and I need to call and reschedule the appointment. Actually, my Mom will call and I will be present with her. I’m glad that I didn’t cry but I am so saddened by this occurrence!

1.1.20 Books I’m Reading

I attempted to read this book in June 2019. This would be after my power outage and I had a real hard time getting into it. I think I was just now recovered from the displacement. This year, I’ve decided to try again! I really want to finish the books I start! However, I saw in an ad that if you read 45 minutes a day you will read books fairly quickly and be completed with a book in a week.

my eyes are bothering me today and I was only able to read for 15 minutes so far today. My eyes need rest but I wanted to start of the year reading!