“You Were So Cute!”

I saw this meme and shared it on Facebook yesterday:

I posted on this song on my blog yesterday:

it got me thinking about a very long time back when I worked at dfcuu financial. I looked through my tunes tab and checked what I wrote about Matty. I wrote this post a couple years ago so the video for, “Electrical Storm” is no longer available so I will re-post the video for that song here:

This song always reminds me of working the drive-through with Matty because his sister like that song. But another memory of Matty I have and clearly remember this day because it was the first time I fell in public. It was before I started using crutches and was still walking on my own. It was the first time my legs just gave out in public! I was walking behind the teller stations and I don’t know how but they just gave out and I fell. I was walking with another woman and she helped me up. This was the beginning of balance issues so I didn’t know anything about see it. I just knew that I was really embarrassed! I could feel my face ignite into flames!

I think it was a couple weeks later that Matty and I were working in the drive-through (a different time) and he started to talk about seeing me fall. I was completely mortified with a branch full of members and everyone I worked with there! He started to chuckle and told me, “You were so cute!” I disagreed with him and I started to laugh too. I’ve been thinking about that time of my life and it makes me a little bit sad. Even with that being the case, I always have some great music to listen to and to remember!

MyGirlL: “Good Teeth”

So, dental hygiene has been huge for me for my entire life. It became more important to me once a had Sean! We have cleanings every six months and I looked into getting braces for him when he was seven. He didn’t get his braces on until he was 13 after for teeth extractions. While he had braces, he needed a second mouth surgery!

So, I made his teeth a priority as well as mine. For my last cleaning, my dentist told me that I have, “Good teeth.” So, I find it really funny (my mom does too) that Leia likes to get her teeth brushed as well! I guess it’s through osmosis that she wants ‘good teeth’ too!


My Dad read the entire paper every single day! On Sundays, he would take all of the sale papers out and put them on the floor in the living room while he sat in his recliner and read the paper. On lazy days, I would walk into our living room and sort through the pile of sale papers. I made two piles. One pile for things I wanted to look at and the other pile was to discard and put into the recycle bin.

I remember one time laying on the floor in the living room on my stomach with my knees bent and my feet lazily kicking behind me that my Dad looked up from the paper and asked me what I was doing. My answer was short and direct. I didn’t know why it was not obvious but I just said, “Shopping.”

I remember him kind of chuckling a bit at my answer but it made complete sense to me! I was not old enough to drive back then so I was entertaining myself by shopping from my house. I never really thought that would actually be a thing but, it is!

I thought about this today because I am not feeling well and it would be a good day to go shopping laying on my stomach on my living room floor with my feet kicking behind me. But, first of all, I am not physically able to do that anymore.

I am really not feeling well because it’s raining and I even opted to NOT wash my hair. Seems like it is another another #DirtyHairDontCare day for me!


I was hesitant to watch the first night of the NFL draft yesterday. I am currently at an impasse right now because I don’t know if I have been a Lions fan since 2009 or if I have just been a Matthew Stafford fan since then! I haven’t even been able to watch GMFB a for a long time now since my sleep schedule is so off! I can’t fall asleep till early in the morning until about two or 3 o’clock therefore, I can’t be up at 7:00 am to watch GMFB. I can see highlights on Twitter but it definitely is not the same!

Previous drafts, I have known all of the top draft picks and have seen their highlight reel‘s on GMFB. So much so that I have cried with the prospects once they get drafted (Jadeveon Clowney)! I’m not sure if it’s Covid that took away my football watching or the progression of my disease. It’s probably both because my disease is definitely progressing and my Mom who has been living with me since the beginning of Covid. I know she doesn’t like it at all so I have cut my football watching.

So, as I was texting with a friend, I turned it on and I see Kings of Leon playing this song!:

This song reminds me of a time when I was still able to drive and I lived in my second apartment back then. I could not believe how old he looked! I texted my friend that it was insane how old he looked and he said that WE are old!!!

I felt even older as I watched how young these prospects were! I felt a little uncomfortable because I did not recognize any of them but then Jim Brown started speaking with a U2 song playing in the background:

It was comforting to hear my favorite band also involved! I ended up watching the first 15 picks even though I did not know any of them because Mac Jones caught my eye! I had to wait until he found a home. I had to watch previous NFL draft until Johnny Manziel found a home. (That was a long night

Mac Jones

I don’t know how long my Mom will be living with me because we have Leia now and Covid has really showed me how disabled I am now. I’m not even sure what I’m going to do this coming season for football anyway. I don’t even have a team!

20 Years

I think that Big Brother is trying to kick me when I’m down! But it’s not gonna work this time! This song showed up in my Facebook feed today and for the first time in 20 years, I did NOT. I can still see myself in my mind’s eye driving down E. Pond Dr. on WMU’s campus back to my dorm but no tears came.

Look at me being all healthy and stuff! Not really… there is still plenty of dysfunction to go around!

#MyGirlL: One Good Picture

I temporarily changed my Facebook profile picture to this:

I bought these buns after I spoke with the woman from the rescue that we were going to get her from. We were not going to get her for a week but Sean and I decided that we would keep her name that she already had which was, “Leia.” Amanda, the woman who runs the rescue we got her from when I asked her her name through email, she told me it was, “Leia, like the princess.” So for me, the buns seemed extremely fitting! They arrived to our house before she did and Sean shook his head at me. I laughed and didn’t care at all! It was going be cute because her name is “Leia.”

I took this picture of her on June 27, 2020 before her first vet appointment. My Mom also thought the buns were dumb and me putting them on her was even dumber! I told her that I just need, “One good picture!” Leia probably had these ones on for 30 seconds before she knocked them off. I sent this picture to Sean this morning and he told me that it was really cute but she will never let me put these buns on her again! I completely agree but I did get one picture. I’m not sure if it’s a, “Good picture” but that’s what I got. My Mom took this picture of her today. What a difference ALMOST a year makes!:

Mike TV

Last night, my brother, Jimmy quoted this specific part of this movie during his Facebook live: He asked if I remembered it and of course I do! It’s Mike TV!:

And this song was posted in my MS Music Lovers group, they posted this song and then all came together and I think I will have to watch this movie even though I am 39 years old!

Miss Potter

My Mom and I figured out that we could buy the movie, Miss Potter, OnDenand. I have since watched this movie three times since I bought it so it was pretty cheap! We split the cost and bought it for ourselves for Mother’s Day. I absolutely love this movie!! I definitely suggest it to everyone!!!

Internal Clock OR Sunshine

My internal clock is so messed up that I just woke up! It is 1255 p.m. I am still in the process of drinking my protein shake but I am done taking my vitamins. As a way to wake up, I scroll mindlessly through Facebook. I saw this meme from a friend:

And I loved it and thought of this song:

It was a good way to wake up. I better drink my shake before it gets warm…