So, this one made me cry.
Check it out:
3 Things I Learned While My Plane Crashed
This category is full of randomness that really doesn’t fit nicely into any of the categories having to do with my road to walking.
Yesterday, my family had dinner with a cousin who was in town from Vegas. Cheese and I went to WMU together for my Freshman year. We used to play “lava” (you KNOW how that is played. The SAME way EVERY kid plays lava!) at her house growing up. We went to preschool together. Her Mom, my Aunt Lissa (my Dad’s sister) was our teacher. It was SO, SO, SO nice to see her!
I cried a little bit too. Once a “fat girl” ALWAYS a “fat girl”! But it’s MORE than that…
Check it out:
I make it a point to complement people. I noticed this with my colleagues and it just is a habit. Now, I think I know why.
Check it out:
How cool would it be to have a booth like this?! I’d dig it!
Check it out:
I’m going to follow the frog. I already do. You should too.
Check it out:
How To Be A Good Person & Not Fail At Life
I sent this email to my colleagues:
Hi guys!
I’ve been going to Barwis Methods 3 times a week since last July. I am working to walk. Thus far, I have clocked 386 yards and 2 steps. They are having a reality TV show coming out starting on July 9, 2014 at 9:00 pm. Here is the trailer:
Mike REALLY talks like that and it is strange to see my guys and my training facility on TV.
If you don’t blink, you will see me on the lower left side of your screen. I can be seen as Katie (a paraplegic) is walking. I’m crying. It’s emotional – what can I say?!
So I want to throw out support for my training facility. My trainer is Adam and is pictured pulling the go-cart in the lower right in red.
I’ve attached screen shots of me and my trainer, Adam (I call him”Phil”).
I am on the left in my wheelchair.
My trainer is named Adam and he is in red in the front on the right.
Jennifer Rios
Reading Specialist
César Chávez Academy Middle School
6782 Goldsmith St.
Detroit, MI 48209
Ph. 313.842.0006
Mission: “To provide an opportunity for all students to learn in a safe atmosphere of academic excellence”
Yesterday, I went on this site for the first time. I read my story and was a bit astounded. My page has my FAVORITE picture of me and Jesse on it! Today, I read ALL of my fellow “first steppers” stories and cried! (OF COURSE!!!). I read one of Mike’s interviews about “American Muscle” where he is quoted saying, “I don’t have clients, I have family” That is EXACTLY what I have felt like at Barwis! At the premiere, I realized that the ONLY place I truly feel comfortable in my wheelchair is at BARWIS METHODS. I feel comfortable there regardless of how many other people in wheelchairs I see because I know (and the others know it too) it is temporary and everyone else there knows it too!
So, I invite you to peruse the site: and read about EVERYONE! Click on STORIES on the right. Miracle Monday stories are AMAZING! And then, click on MEET SOME OF OUR FIRST STEPPERS to read about us. I am also pictured on the GET HELP tab under the FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE drop-down. I am pictured holding the bar.
Oh yeah, and donate if you can. Please and Thank You!