I LOVE Les Stanford Chevrolet and Cadillac!

Growing up, I used to get my car serviced at Bill Wink Chevrolet.  I used to walk home after dropping my car off (back when I was a teenager, living with my parents, and when I could still walk (before my diagnosis)).  So, Bill Wink ended up closing and the last salesman I bought my car from moved to Les Stanford.  I also moved to the West side of Dearborn where Les Stanford is located.  I traded in my car after a few years and saw Ali Reda to get a new one.  Then, I killed that car (apparently cars DON’T float) and got the car I drive now.

Ali told me to get tire insurance back at Bill Wink.  I don’t know anything about cars and I trusted Ali so I got it.  BEST INVESTMENT EVER!!!  I have had insurance on my last 3 cars and so far, it has paid for 9 tires and 3 rims.  So, the insurance has MORE than paid for itself!

I remember when I was a Girl Scout, my Dad and I looked under the hood of his truck and he told me a bunch of stuff about cars because I wanted to get my Car Care badge.  I don’t remember what he told me about what was under the hood but I DO remember that he told me that I should ALWAYS lease a car and to change the oil and rotate the tires regularly.  I no longer lease because my car had to be modified because of the hand-controls and chair topper but I constantly change the oil and rotate the tires.  I want to drive this car (her name is Bea) forever!!!

My cars have always been very monogamous.  They don’t like everybody putting their hands under their hoods so I get to know the guys who work in the service department of my dealership.  At Bill Wink, I dealt with Jayson, Keith, Joe, and George was the service manager.  My Dad was a “preferred customer” there and I enjoyed the perks of that.  At Les Stanford, it was nice to see some familiar faces.  George was the service manager, Joe was the mechanic, and Ali was the salesman.  Now I deal with Dan, Keith (a different one), and Gary.  They are ABSOLUTELY the BEST!!! It’s really good to know that my car is taken care of very well because all I do is put the key in the ignition and the car starts.  That’s the extent of my car knowledge but I KNOW to change the oil and rotate the tires regularly.  Thanks, Daddy!

The Daily Positive: 10 Signs of an Awesome Mom

I saw this video this morning.  I cried.  I have an awesome Mom and I define myself as a Football Mom, Wrestling Mom, and Track Mom depending on the season so it made me feel fuzzy inside.  My Beeb threw his new PR at his track meet this weekend (he throws shotput) and we went to see Draft Day (LOVED it) and Captain America with his friend yesterday.  I LOVE being a Mom!

10 Signs Of An Awesome Mom 


I received an email on April 24, 2014.  @MoveItMonday follows me on Twitter (so naturally, I followed them back).  Here is their Twitter profile:

Move It Monday 2   Click logo to enter their site

Move It Monday is an international campaign which encourages people of all fitness levels to get moving each week starting on Mondays.

They tweeted this on April 3rd. They read my blog, have encouraged me, and have taken a REAL interest in my work at Barwis.

Move It MondayMoveItMondayApr 3

Check out our friend ‘s  blog post – she’s a real fighter and a true inspiration to all:

I was asked to be an ambassador (I train EVERY Monday anyway!) and I was accepted!  I ESPECIALLY liked this because they read my blog and include me in this even though I am NOT walking… YET!

The email:


Congratulations, Jennifer. You’ve been accepted into the Move It Monday Ambassador program. I’m the person in charge of the Twitter page for Move It Monday and I am extremely happy that you’ve decided to join us.

We’ve listed you on our ambassador page!

Flash your #MoveItMonday Ambassador pride to help others get active too, by using the official Ambassador Logo in your tweets. The logo is attached in this email and can be used whenever you’d like.

Move it Monday     Click logo to enter their site

We look forward to hearing about your commitment to exercise.

Thank you so much,

Marketing Asssistant
The Monday Campaigns
Move It Monday
So, I am way, SUPER excited to be an Ambassador and wanted to share this information!  Follow them on Twitter (@MoveItMonday) or visit their website (http://www.moveitmonday.org) there are TONS of GREAT things there or do both!!!


The Daily Positive: What Your Sleeping Position Says About Your Personality

I had been a “soldier” sleeper for such a long time mostly because I could not control my body not because I am the “strong, silent” type.  Once I began to gain control over my body more, I began to sleep in the “fetus” position but I wouldn’t think I am prone to worry or anxiety.  Then I started sleeping like the “yearner” but I don’t have long periods of indecision.

But now, I am a “free fall”er ALL THE WAY!!!  I like to be in control of things although that is NOT always possible.  I AM outgoing and I’m working on the confidence thing.  Check it out:

What Your Sleeping Position Says About Your Personality. Crazy.

The Daily Positive: You’ll Never Believe What The Human Heart Taught Her About Love.

So, I’m not trying to be a “Debbie Downer” but this video bummed me out! At first.  I’ve watched it a number of times and I cry EVERY time!  Then I realized that I am just seeing this video through the lens of having a father who underwent 2 open heart surgeries and is no longer here and seeing my premature child in the warming bed that the doctor is pictured by.  So, “suck it up, Jen.” This is really a nice story that makes you think about what exactly the human heart holds.

Check it out:

You’ll Never Believe What The Human Heart Taught Her About Love. Crazy!