Sean came over today and got the tree up from the basement and set it up. My mom helped him open up the branches. I sat in the corner of the room watching them and playing my Christmas 2023 playlist on Apple Music. It’s all our faves!:
I really like that at least Christmas is NOT going to feel like Thanksgiving did for me!!! I can wait for all of the Christmas glory! I looked at the reflection in my TV just before I watched mass, and I saw this, and was vastly contented, I just can’t wait until it’s lit up and that’s happening tomorrow!!!:
I saw this commercial an few days ago and I searched for it. This commercial is from Meijer’s 2016 Christmas campaign. In 2016, I was still working and I did not have time to sit around and watch the Hallmark channel all day like I do now. 2016 was my final Christmas that I worked.
When I searched for this commercial, I watched the entire 1:31 commercial. Six years after this commercial was made, it was a truncated version and just the little boy giving Santa the cookie. The 1:31 version was totally worth it!!!
There is some serious power when it comes to Seeing Santa! I was not embarrassed AT ALL when I waved to Santa at Fairlane mall when I was working there and he was setting up. I was 16 and I waved like a child! But then again, I was 33 because Sean was 14. We were getting our annual Christmas picture at Southland mall. That was our last family picture because Sean was in eighth grade. We did not take pictures when he was. in high school. I watched this commercial (and cried) as I posted this post:
I have been thinking about this movie for a really long time, but I do not own it so I will need to see if it is available One of my streaming platforms!:
I really started thinking about this movie when I saw this video of Taylor Swift, a lot of her videos are showing up in my YouTube feed and every now and then I HAVE to see what they’re about:
This one totally made me think about The Thing Called Love, and I really should watch it soon…
I told Sean the other day when they put up the Christmas tree and he commented something about time for, “Queen Mariah!” that that Christmas song has ALWAYS been a banger! I was 12 years old when it came out!
I told him that was back when she was married to that record company executive. He was floored that she was married BEFORE Nick Cannon. That Christmas song always reminds me of driving to my grandparents house in the green station wagon. We would have birthday cake because my grandma’s birthday is on Christmas Eve.
I have loved that song since it came out, but I get to see it in Love Actually tomorrow!:
Great minds think a like, and my mom asked me today, “What about that train song?” I started to laugh, and I told her that I was just thinking about that song so I will post it here so I can have it queued up for my Mom tomorrow!:
I wonder where my T-shirt is that I got and their concert?!
Today was our second attempt at watching The Family Stone:
I originally did not like this movie, but now that I am just a spectator to life, I don’t mind it so much. My Mom even stayed up for the entire movie and we laughed!!! Full disclosure: I cried first! Also, I think I didn’t like the movie when I first saw it, because my Mom told me that I was Rachel McAdams!
I don’t think I have ever been that mean to anyone who is binging introduced to our family, but in the beginning, when she takes her bags out of the car Mom will always say, “That’s my girl!”
I’m not that way anymore!!! But I really don’t think that I ever was…
I made my Dad a mixed CD for his 55th birthday and I gave him 55 singles. That was the last birthday present I gave him because sadly, he was gone four short months later.
My oldest nephew texted me yesterday and asked me if I had that CD. I texted him back this:
He was the first person to make me become “Aunt Jenny.” he is the tallest person in my family, but his number is saved in my phone as, “Lil Dave” because that’s who he will always be to me.
After I sent that to him, in the evening, just after I brushed my teeth, I listened to those two songs that I put on the playlist that were just for me:
Those two songs are difficult for me specifically and I thought I would write about that but just after the U2 song and I was remembering crying on my way to work, a random song came on and I lost it!:
I lost it because the significance of that song! I could feel myself ugly cry and I didn’t even care! My face was wet with tears and snot and everything I couldn’t even wipe my face cause I was crying too hard!
My Mom told me that she sang that song to my Dad when he was in the hospital. She didn’t tell me that until after he died. I love to hear that story because a nurse walked into the doorway and then asked my Mom, “Are you singing to him?” and when my Mom answered, “Yes,” she just said, “I’ll be back.”
I really think I lost it last night because as I listened to that song, I could feel my Dad but I’m going to stop talking about it now…
I was in high school when this movie came out. I appreciate watching older movies because my eyes can handle that better. I never realized that this song is in the background in the movie:
That song was my jam! But then there’s this one from the trailer, but it’s NOT in the movie, that would be really cool!:
So on Leia’s walk today, my Mom told me that they walked by a Nativity scene with a kneeling camel in it. My Mom said that Leia stared at the Nativity scene for a while, and then let out four of the loudest barks that she has ever let out in her life!
My Mom said she laughed and laughed, and I told her to take a picture of the Nativity scene so I can see it. My Mom said that Leia barks when she’s afraid.
It makes complete sense to me why I have NOT heard her bark because she is so comfortable at our house!!! I remember when she first came and Covid was at its height that Sean went to stay at my Mom’s house, and my Mom moved in with me.
All of this seems to be working out because my disease is doing nothing but progressing and I need my Mom here to take care of me.
Sean asked me who the alpha was between us three, (my Mom, me, and Leia). I told him that it’s just, “Three friends hanging out!” I remember that he laughed so but it’s true.
I will post a picture of sad Nativity scene soon! 😂😂😂