I hope that this can all be rectified tomorrow! Fingers crossed! I’m listening to Sade to relax myself!:
Category: A Bit Of Randomness
This category is full of randomness that really doesn’t fit nicely into any of the categories having to do with my road to walking.
“It Got so Cold so Fast!”
I’ve worn my hat all day long as I am sitting in my living room, I was reminded of the specific moment when Windy is getting into the tent for the night with Helen and Helen says as Windy is zipping up the tent, “It got so cold so fast!” That is how I feel right now because that is what happened!!! I’m not from California like Windy, but almost 23 years of having MS the sentiment is the same…
I Can’t Sing Anymore Anyway…
I was the absentmindedly scrolling through YouTube and I saw this video which made me think about the fact that people have told me that I sing like LeAnn Rimes! Well, I never liked that because I didn’t really like her voice but I can’t sing anymore anyway, so I guess it doesn’t matter:
I didn’t like this rendition either because she sings falsetto, and I never sang that way so I will put the version of the single that I bought from Musicland Maybe it was Sam Goode by then?
On the Cusp of Getting Canadian Crutches
Sean texted me this last evening but I was still wearing my contacts so I knew I wouldn’t be able to watch it until later:

I almost forgot about it but then, when I watched it, I gasped and I loved it in response to Sean’s text:
(I could not embed tot here, but click on the link to see it)
My Mom was laying down, and when she awoke, I explained the language and told her to watch the video! She could not understand why the guy who’s concert it was was drowning out the Wiggles. I told her that if Sean saw the Wiggles I like that, he would sing just as loud as that guy was!
I was singing the Wiggles song in my head as I was getting into bed last night and I’m still thinking about it today because we talked to Sean about it and I really like that I was put back in a place that was probably three years after my diagnosis and I was just on the cusp of getting Canadian crutches. We were still living with my Parents then.
The Dancing Flowers
Because my mind is on the Wiggles, I HAD to share this song because this was the tail end of Sean being interested in the Wiggles, but I was all in! I had to change it though, but little did I know that Zoey 101 would be waiting for us in our apartments!!!:
A Classic Christmas
My life is extremely small and I’m OK with that… I think. When I wake up, I put my bed in ‘TV watching’ mode from the ‘Zero Gravity’ mode that I sleep in. But having this disease for 22 years, it takes me at the very least 30 minutes for my body to warm up.
Once I awaken and my bed is set to ‘TV Watching’ mode, I read my morning prayer, then I check my emails, then Facebook and Twitter. Well, this morning, I got this email:

I took a screenshot of it and I opened the email and took a screenshot of what I saw:

I immediately texted both of those pictures to my cousinT, Shannon! So, of course, I HAVE TO put the picture of us at the concert that had Gavin Degra as one of the openers for Train! (I was just thinking about the T-shirt. I bought there the other day, I want to wear it is?!):

I did not see that she texted me back until after I was finished eating my dinner so of course we had to have a conversation about this album!:

I am excited to hear this album, but I will not listen until the day after Thanksgiving! But my October is so messed up with all of this red tape with my wheelchair it’s kind of terrible! So my Halloween is messed up, but I hope to have a Classic Christmas!
#MyGirlL: “Forget This!”
My Mom took Leia out last evening just before I was going to get ready to go to bed. It was drizzling out when my Mom opened the door so she decided they needed the umbrella and Leia’s raincoat.
We have discovered that Leia is NOT a fan of water in any form! Whether it’s coming out of the bath tub, a hose, the kitchen sink, or from the sky; she wants NO part of it at all!
My Mom came back into the house laughing, and she told me why she was laughing: So, it’s dark out and it’s drizzling. Leia hesitated to get off of the porch, but she made sure that she was directly underneath the umbrella. My Mom followed her closely and Leah was searching for a spot to go number two and she paced a little bit like a leopard.
My Mom said Leia stopped for a moment, and said, “Forget this!” and turned around and started walking toward the house. When my Mom told me that, I began laughing a whole lot!!!
I might be on the cusp of some thing kind of important tomorrow, and this song comes into my head, because I am remembering my very first night at Western Michigan University! I was so scared!:
Next Stop: Cider Mill
I scheduled this outing in April when I scheduled my entire year of van rentals! I spoke with Margaret when I did this and I told her my October date, and then I said, “And I need the next day too, because you HAVE TO GO TO a cider mill!!!”
She laughed and agreed. That’s what I’m doing tomorrow. My hair is cut and I have two eyebrows again but I am exhausted!!!
Thanking about it, this might be my last trip to a Cider mill EVER. That kind of stinks! I picked a good one if this is my last time, we are going to Yates!
Our Peeps
My Mom did not take the van back until today because it was raining yesterday and we were far away. I did not get out of bed until 4:35 in the afternoon. I drank my nutrition shake and my Mom told me that Creative Mobility has mugs to take so she took one; I told her that they are our peeps now!:

Now, I only drink water and I drink it out of my 30 ounce Yeti that she got for me for Mother’s Day in 2021. I use that cup every day!
I am so exhausted from yesterday, but in true college hangover fashion, she put cider in the mug, and I drink it, and I had to have a donut. I think that made me more tired though…