A Lot.

My Mom asked me a couple days ago how many times I put my chapstick on. I shrugged and told her that I didn’t know. A lot.

So, I counted how many times I put it on during the day. The answer is 12. I smear chapstick on my lips 12 times a day! But each application, I have to smear it on three times on each slip. So I guess it’s a lot!!!

Yankee Candle Co.

I remember when Yankee Candle Company came to Fairlane mall! That Candle store has a very unique smell! I think it’s a mix of all the different smells combined! How that store smells is EXACTLY how my Salted Caramel chapstick tastes! It took me a minute to place the smell, but that’s it! I remember when I was in high school, my friend Gatimi worked at a store that smelled similar to that store in Fairlane Mall.

This is the last tube of salted caramel that I have. I bought another fall flavor package a while ago ago, but it just has pumpkin spice, chai, vanilla maple, and pomegranate. As soon as I’m done with all of those flavors, I will just go to having Vanilla Maple all the time just like I have Cucumber Mint in the Spring/Summer time.

All of this is a very important thought process I go through. It really doesn’t matter but what else do I have to do?!

Totally Worth the Cold

I saw this meme on Facebook a few days ago and it made me laugh out loud but I’m totally not that way!!!:

I said on Facebook that this is not me because it’s really not! I get cold, and it takes me so long to get warm again! I was able to get this just after I posted that meme:

Big brother totally knows me because I HAD TO complete this puzzle that had mint chocolate chip in it!?!

it is way too cold outside now for me to eat ice cream, however, I had to take one for the team! Actually, for my Mom! I had to eat a fudgsicle, so my Mom could have the stick For her finger. She is going back to the doctor on Friday. I ate a total of 3 fudgsicle for her! Totally worth the cold that I felt!!!

Size 7

I was recalling Sean’s Halloween costume when he was an “Army guy.” I think he was 4 and that was the first Halloween without my Dad.

I remembered this specifically because we went to Harry’s Army surplus to buy actual fatigues for him. We went in and I asked the man at the counter, (really, it was a boy) and he showed me where the kids fatigues were. I picked out Sean size and then I asked him about hats.

He pointed me to the kids hats, and I shook my head and told him that I needed the adult hats. He looked at me kind of funny and told me where they were and we walked over there and I asked him for a size 7.

We had stopped walking, and he was looking through the hats he had in his hand for a size 7. He pulled one that was a size 7 out of the number of hats he had in his hand. He’s jokingly bloused it out and put it on Sean‘s head.

I still remember the surprise on that kid’s face when he saw that it fit Sean perfectly. I told him that I used to work at a hat store and I figured that was his size. I was recalling that story to my Mom the other day.


It took me over an hour to pillage today. I’m going back to my naturopath on October 16th. For the past three months that I’ve gone to see Dr. Clark, he changes my supplements each time. He’s probably going to do that on the 16th as well.

Today was the second time I used my Pumpkin Spice chapstick this Fall. I think I am most comfortable in the Fall. It will get too cold too soon, and that will be unfortunate!

“My Least Favorite”

I called Sean today on his way home from work. I asked him how his workday was and he asked me how things were where I’m at. I told him that I am using my Salted Caramel chapstick today. Then I promptly told him that it is my least favorite. He laughed at that and said that I am just forcing myself to suffer through this fall chapstick. Then I started to laugh, but I told him that this is the first time this Fall that I’ve used it and somehow it is a little bit ‘sweeter’ so you know what song popped into my head right then?!:

Vanilla Maple

Today, I used my Vanilla Maple chapstick for the first time in a long time! I forgot how much I really liked this flavor! I saw once on Amazon that they had a four pack like they have for my Cucumber Mint. But I have more Fall chapstick tubes to go through until I think about going completely Vanilla Maple. Maybe next year or the year after I think…

“Nothing is the Same.”

A few nights ago, my Mom and I were talking about music and she couldn’t understand why I listen to sad music all the time. She told me that she likes, “Upbeat music.” I just looked at her and I said with the straight face, “I can’t handle that anymore.”

She looked at me when I said that, and she just kind of understood I thought. I think of music in the past tense now. I have a soundtrack of my life and what I was doing when the songs came out. But now I just live in my memories. I told my mom a few days ago as well, “Nothing is the same.”

Because REALLY nothing is the same anymore and I don’t think that I really was expecting this. This is an upbeat song that I did not hear until my 20s that I post on my blog every October but now that I am in my 40s and my disease has progressed this much, sadly, I don’t think I can handle it anymore…:

I didn’t watch Hocus Pocus today. I think I’ll watch it during the weekend…

October 2024 Faves

I have been listening to this song a lot and my mom does not understand why but I’m feeling kind of melancholic as my disease progresses and the weather gets colder… here are my tunes of choice:

I absolutely love the lyric, “Tug at my seams”:

Melancholy or not it is October 1 and I have a movie to watch!!!:

Mouth Sores OR Stress

I have never had MS for this long, but I think I am coming to understand something now because I have a canker sore again!

I thought about it today because it hurts but this is just after I had two people with their hands in my mouth last week. But I think it’s a stress thing. That’s how my body is reacting to stress. This totally stinks because it hurts and I use the naturopathic remedy of thieves oil, and man, that’s intense!!! But, I think it’s numbing my mouth! So then it doesn’t hurt. My Mom is calling Yanna tomorrow to get the directions on what we should do. She was the one who suggested it the last time I had a canker sore.

My Mom says that I keep my mouth clean and she doesn’t understand what’s going on and I just told her that it is stress. That totally stinks, but that’s what it is!