Like We Knew Each Other

Today is Saturday and I pillaged, but I could not get a memory out of my head last night! I think it was in late 2021? I know that I still had my original bed that I got from Art Van.

In this post, I’m kind of telling on myself, but this happened before I got my new bed, CORRECTION!!!: before my Parents got me my new bed! But I’ve decided that I can talk about it because I don’t even have that bed anymore. And this kind of explains why:

I think it was in the winter time and it was pretty late, but my Mom was getting me into my bed and I fell. I landed laying down on the floor in my bedroom. I looked at my Mom and both of us had no idea what to do! She called 911.

I will never forget the two EMTs who showed up. One was the big stocky guy and the other guy was kind of slight. Probably 5’6 and about 140 pounds. My Mom told the guys that I had MS and I would need help getting into bed because that’s what we are doing.

The smaller guy told us that his brother has MS so he knows what to do. The bigger guy had no idea what to do. He just held the clipboard. But I was thinking about this last night as I was almost falling to sleep.

I thought about this, as it began to drift off, and I think that was one of the best transfers that I have ever had! He was holding onto me like he was holding onto his brother, and he knew what to do. At the same, I was holding onto him like I hold onto my Mom! It was a seamless transfer, and like we knew each other!

There is a reason that I no longer have that bad! I loved it! I bought it in 2006. It was a black wood four poster bed. I wanted to gift that bed to my granddaughter when I died. I think it’s better for me to have a Tempur-pedic bed now though…

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