Not Since I was 40?!

I got this email on March 1 and I didn’t write about it until right now I was thinking about it, and:


I have been nanking with dfcu you since I was 18 and I worked there when I was pregnant. I have never received a ‘birthday month’ email from them before!

‘Birthday month’ is not a thing anymore! At least not since I was 40! That was a milestone year, but then three months before I turned 41, I felt like an adult!

Sean told me that I was always an adult, but I told him that I was playing pretend until three months before I turned 41! I talked to him today and it is T -7 days until I am 43 and it does matter to me at all! I told Sean that I was a little bit surprised by it myself. It’s like I’m entering a new level. I don’t know what this one is going to be like and I’ll just have to wait and see! I always have tell my Mom that I’m 95 years old because that’s how I feel!!!

I think it’s strange that dfcu is a little late to the party, but all that email was an invitation to sign up for financial planning classes. I have been banking there since I was 18 so they know that I have no money! I have been ‘robbing Peter to pay Paul’ my entire adult life when I became in charge of the bills. I was a teacher and a single mom. But now that I am on disability, not much has changed!

At least I got some recognition even though it doesn’t matter to me anymore. I thought I would always love birthdays, but I just can’t now.

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