Other Organs and Stuff…

I figured out in December 2023 that I am technically homebound. I knew it before then but that’s just MS progressing. I am still trying to wrap my head around it!

But I think things have started to get serious now…

You know, when doctors want to call you on Sundays. I messaged her letting her know that she should call my Mom because I will be sleeping. I gave her the best times to call.

I am trying to treat this like when the doctor told me that Sean may have had ‘brain bleeds,’ or just a normal variant on his MRI in NICU. He told me that the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and I had to freak out until the following Monday!

Everything was normal for Sean and I’m hoping that it’s the same for me. I told my Mom that if I need anything medical for this year, to let my doctor know that I have June, August, and December available; otherwise it will have to be next year.

I have doctors appointments all of the other months for this year so far. I’m trying not to freak out! This doctor told me that I have had MS for so long that is just pushing me into perimenopause. I have known for many years that after having MS for so long, it would start affecting my other organs and stuff…

Fat Lotta Good

When I woke up this morning, my Mom told me that I had curly hair and she snapped a picture:

I have wanted curly hair for my entire life! I have it now at 42, fat lotta good that does me! The woman who cuts my hair asked me last March I think who I got the curly hair from. My hair started to curl then. My Dad had curly hair and my oldest brother and my youngest brother. My second oldest brother has wavy hair, but my brother Jimmy and me just had straight hair.

I looked at my hair and I thought of “Lambert the sheepish Lion” It was a short that we used to watch on the Disney Channel when we were kids. I think I may have to look at Disney+ to see if it’s there.

Aafter I got into my living room, I pulled the comb through my hair and made my hair a puffball just in time to put my hat on. I’m totally not used to having curly hair!

Almost a Pound

Today is Saturday so I pillaged:

My Mom put Leia to bed and then she was folding clothes in my room. It takes me a long time to fill my pillbox now. I take a lot of supplements! I asked my Mom to weigh my pillbox with my kitchen scale after it was full.

It turns out that I take almost a pound of supplements each week! My full pillbox weighs, 14.74 ounces. That’s a lot! That’s totally inconsequential information, but I was just wondering, because I am taking more and more supplements because my body needs more after 24 years.

I was going to see my naturopath on the 21st of January but that was a polar vortex day so I did not leave the house! I will call Dr. Clark’s office sometime in May because I don’t have a June appointment yet. If I have to fill that slot with a different doctor, I have August available as well because I see my neurologist virtually, so I don’t have to rent a van.