Other Organs and Stuff…

I figured out in December 2023 that I am technically homebound. I knew it before then but that’s just MS progressing. I am still trying to wrap my head around it!

But I think things have started to get serious now…

You know, when doctors want to call you on Sundays. I messaged her letting her know that she should call my Mom because I will be sleeping. I gave her the best times to call.

I am trying to treat this like when the doctor told me that Sean may have had ‘brain bleeds,’ or just a normal variant on his MRI in NICU. He told me that the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and I had to freak out until the following Monday!

Everything was normal for Sean and I’m hoping that it’s the same for me. I told my Mom that if I need anything medical for this year, to let my doctor know that I have June, August, and December available; otherwise it will have to be next year.

I have doctors appointments all of the other months for this year so far. I’m trying not to freak out! This doctor told me that I have had MS for so long that is just pushing me into perimenopause. I have known for many years that after having MS for so long, it would start affecting my other organs and stuff…

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