SH*T!: an Explanation.

So let me ‘Splain ya a little bit:

My Mom showed these pictures to me yesterday and I couldn’t understand what they were at first… But then it dawned on me!!!:

That is how my wheelchair got stuck! There is snow on the right of me and I could not make sense of what I needed to do. So that happened! My Mom explained it to Sean today and the fact that we were both silent. We didn’t yell or get upset with each other, but just try to figure it out in silence and we waited for the firetruck.

And she showed me this picture, and I looked at it and raised both my fists up on the sides of my head and I yelled, “Sh*t!”:

I could feel myself sinking into the grass all over again! I guess that’s a thing around Easter. Tire tracks on my lawn!

Right after I backed up and saw the new indentation from my wheel I glanced over to my left and could see the tire tracks from the last year. I think I’m going to look for that post now to share!

Dave and Sean

Okay, so, yesterday was ‘go time’ and I had my third teeth cleaning appointment. My Mom called the day before just to check on my appointment time. Well, get this!:

My dentist sold his practice. a dentist who I have been going to since I was seven. Sean was three when he started going there as well so he has been going there for 20 years! But I think my Mom takes the cake because she has been going there for 52 years?! Dr. Fox has done all of her dental work as well as mine but I just have had a cap when I was I 16 because I tried opening a bottle of water with my teeth and that wasn’t a good idea.

It was such a good idea that she called because in selling his practice, my hygienist no longer works there and that’s why we didn’t receive the postcard about my appointment. When she called, they only had a 1 or 2 o’clock appointment. We took the 2 o’clock! Man, was that super difficult but we did it!

I noticed changes when we got into the waiting room because the water feature that my dentist has had for probably 20 years was gone. The woman cleaning my teeth was a temp and her name was Keisha. She was lovely and’s she reminded of me of my childhood hygienist because she was so gentle!

We told Sean about Dr. Fox selling out and he said that may be the end of the Mom and Pop shops! I didn’t think he was wrong. My Mom made my return appointment with my previous hygienist for July because there was no availability in June on the dates that I needed.

But then, we left the dentist. I have gone to the SAME dentist for so many years and it has been the SAME for many of those years!!! But I have changed, my disease has progressed!!! I don’t even get out of my power chair when I go to get my teeth cleaned anymore. I am falling into this homebound-ness routine and I really don’t like it but there is nothing to do. Sean and my Mom told me that it was getting warm, but yesterday, I did not feel warm at all!!!

I will be wearing my Vanilla Bean chapstick, at least until the next time we leave the house which will be March 19 and I’m pretty sure that there will not be any snow on the ground then!

Because, let me tell you what happened to me because there was snow on the ground. Namely, the parking lot was cleared, and all the snow was pushed into a mound in the blue area of the disabled section. You know, the place where power chairs need to go to get into a van that has a ramp!

When there is snow on the ground, it throws my vision off, and I am not sure if I under it or over shot it, but I got stuck getting into the van on the ramp! The chair got stuck with me in it halfway up the ramp! An elderly man was coming out of the dentist and offered to help and when he and my Mom couldn’t do it together, my Mom told me to use my device. I wear my Medical Guardian device every time I leave the house now.

My Mom thanked the man for his help and she spoke to the people on my from Medical Guardian. My Mom told them that we did not need a firetruck and just needed people to help because my chair was stuck. Well, they came in a firetruck, but they did not have the sirens and the lights on, I think.

Enter Dave and Sean. The two EMTs who came out of their truck to assist. I was beside myself, and I just sat there, pretty much speechless. Dave took lead, and he assessed my chair and asked to put it in neutral, and I didn’t know what he was saying. He looked at my chair a while. Then he released the yellow. tabs at the bottom. I remember my Mom doing that once!

Then he told Sean that they were both going to tilt my chair back and lift it off the ramp! They did just that with all over 500 pounds of me!!! (The chair itself weighs 400 pounds and I am losing weight but I am over 100 pounds!)

I don’t even know if this is how Sean spells his name, but it is how I spell the name Sean, both originally, when I named him and all the time since! When I was able to get back into the van, Dave commented on how well I moved in the chair! That is completely why I can’t understand how this happened?!

But then there is the icing on the cake of this horrible ordeal! I get out of the van and I’m rolling to my porch up the walkway after I come off the sidewalk but when I turned my chair to go up my walkway, I felt myself begin to sink, and I knew there was only one reason why I was sinking, and that was in the wet ground!!!

I yelled, “SH*T!” at the top of my lungs, as I reversed my chair. The weather was miserable and I didn’t know what else to do. I was looking for a puddle to roll in, but my Mom said to just come in and she cleaned up my chair after I got into the house.

My Mom and I talked about what happened and I think when the ground is wet, she should take lead. At least, don’t park by sitting snow because that’s terrible because I cannot even see! We know that now! But I don’t think I’ll need to think of snow until next year.

Doogie Howser M.D.

Ever since I stopped working, I started to write on my blog almost daily. I started this blog when I was working out at Barwis Methods back in November 2013. I thought that it would progress to me walking. But after my meniscus surgery, my surgeon, Dr. Frush told me NOT to go back to Barwis until my knee stopped hurting.

It still has NOT stopped hurting and I’m not sure that I will EVER return to Barwis in the same capacity so write on my blog almost daily just to keep my mind okay because my body sure is NOT at this point!!!

I caught up with the high school friend on Twitter a few years ago and he asked me if I worked out at Barwis. I told him that I did and that that, ‘was the best time of my life!’ And I told him about my blog, I share my posts on both Facebook and Twitter when I write them. He read a few of them and I told him that I think of Doogie Howser when I do this, and he agreed that that makes sense!

I started my blog originally to track my progress at Barwis but now I am just keeping things in order in my head. 2025 is proving to be a lot of involved doctors appointments! It’s a bit overwhelming and I am trying to stay calm.

The past three years, I can have two van rentals and still be okay financially. But this year, I have three months with 2 doctors appointments so that means 3 van rentals! I told my Mom that I was nervous about this and she told me that she would help me if need be.

But, I just have one more van rental this month, on Tuesday. I am getting my teeth cleaned. A lot of people have their teeth cleaned three times a year instead of two! I keep telling myself that even though insurance only pays for two appointments a year. My hygienist thinks that I need three because she says she knows I am trying my hardest, but I need to see her more often now.

Dental health is extremely important to me, and I think my health is important to me as well. Sean told me that if my hygienist suggested it, I should do it because health gets really bad really fast in your mouth! I made the appointment the next day.

My appointment for this year so far been quite involved! The ultrasound I had in January, has made me make two other appointments. I am going to see a Urologist in April and get a CT scan in June. My doctor made this appointment for me and I hope that everything can be addressed in April so I can cancel the June appointment because that’s the third van rental in the month and that’s the ‘all nighter’ so I don’t want to do it if I don’t have to!

I remember watching Dukie Houser when I was a kid. I remember he called his girlfriend on the show, “Wanda Bear.”


I left the house today to get our haircut and man, was it frigid!!! When we were driving home after our haircuts, I just hugged myself in the back of the van and told my Mom that it is SO COLD!!!

We got into the hair salon, Danielle, my Mom‘s haircutter spoke to us, and I told her that I had not been out of the house since January 17 and man, this is freezing!!!

I have to leave the house next Tuesday to get my teeth cleaned by myself. I mean, my Mom

is driving me, but I am the only one getting my teeth cleaned because I have to get them cleaned three times a year now! This MS isreally getting serious now…

“Natalie Guchara”

My Mom will randomly think of a song and she will start humming it and ask if I know what song she’s thinking of. She did that today and I knew it right off and I told her, “Just Another Day” Jon Secada:

I immediately began singing along, because I knew all of the words. I was taken back to summertime between fifth and sixth grade or something like that with my friend, Natalie, we would walk to New Yasmeen Bakery to get cheese pies and we would sing that song!

As we drove to get our haircut today, I was thinking about that, and I could vividly see her neighborhood back then! When we got to get our haircut, while Christina was waxing, my eyebrows, this song came on:

That was another jam we used to listen to in her room! I remember that we would talk on the phone all the time for hours back then and when she would call my house, my brother, Ray, would answer the phone and he would call her, “Natalie Guchara” and would not let her talk to me until she told him that she was “Natalie Guchara.”

I haven’t thought about that in years!!! but to hear two songs today, that explicitly remind me of my friend, Natalie, “Natalie Guchara” was a very fond memory!!!


My supplements are set to be picked up tomorrow. Check.

My alarms are set for tomorrow morning. Check.

My hair is washed. Check.

Why is my heart racing so much?!

Well it is. I’m not sure why still though. I embarked on these routines starting in 2021. I did not realize that I was homebound until I read about it in December 2023.

Everything is getting harder now.

Haircuts tomorrow and I’m getting my teeth cleaned for the third time this year on Tuesday. Maybe because it’s so cold outside…

“Special Shelf” OR “Three’s a Charm”

My Mom called Zerbo’s today to make sure that they have all of my supplements to pick up on the 19th. They had everything. My Mom will pick them up on the 19th when we get our haircut.

We have fallen into this routine, organically, really, I think:

Probably about five or six months ago, my Mom spoke with the owner of Zerbo’s. Her name is Clara and she remembered me coming in there with Sean. She asked about me and how I am doing. My Mom told her that I see my naturopath in Flat Rock now and she told her the state of my MS. I am homebound now. They discussed that I could special order my supplements from Zerbo’s every month.

So this is what we do now:

On the first Monday of the month, my Mom will call Zerbo’s and either talk to Clara or leave her a message for which supplements I need. I then tell my Mom again just before coming in to get the supplements. Just to make sure they are there. My supplements are all there now and there’s something satisfying about that.

So, it seems that I am part of Clara‘s ‘special shelf’ (a shelf reserved for special orders) and I have been there for three months. So it seems that three’s a charm!

The weather is cold, and that is terrible but you have to take wins where you can get them, I suppose. I’m happy that my supplement schedule makes more sense to me now and the fact that I can just order them directly from the store. Such a relief!

Because now, I understand how important it is for me to have my supplements as my diseases progresses. My Mom has been telling me that for a while but now I have no choice but to listen. I feel terrible without them! I tell her that, “I can’t afford them.” But my Mom counters with, “You can’t afford NOT to have them.”