Polar Vortex

I had written about my January appointments a while ago. And a former colleague and Facebook friend told me about my Tuesday appointment. She said it was going to be really cold!

I originally thought that I could just power through it but then I saw this on Facebook:


My Mom told me that my uncle Al told her that it was going to be really cold that day. When she told me that he said that, I thought of that saying that if ‘two people tell you that you are drunk, go home and lay down.’ Or something like that.

I canceled my appointment yesterday. I cannot believe that I thought I could go to the doctor today! It’s cold enough in my house, I think I told my Mom about four times that I can’t believe I thought I could go outside today!

When I saw that article, I was reminded of the Polar Vortex of 2006? I was still teaching English then. Teachers had to report and students did not. I just remembered sitting at my desk with my hat and coat on and freezing my butt off! I ended up going to the teachers lounge because they were no windows there.

I only went into work during a Polar Vortex that time. I want to say that in my 12 years teaching, there may have been one or two more days we had to do that. I just called in. I could not handle that!

I said on Facebook to another former colleague that 24 years in, I don’t think I can handle that at all! I was just six years diagnosed with MS when I tried to Weather the Polar Vortex. That was terrible, and I’ll never do it again!

I will leave my house February 19 for a haircut and then again on February 25 for a teeth cleaning. I haven’t gone to get my teeth cleaned by myself since before Sean was three. That means for the last 20 years, we have always gone together. Then, I was going with my Mom but now I have to go three times a year by myself. #MSsucks!!! 😒😒😒…