I Wasn’t Ready for This!

I woke up Saturday morning thinking about how much care Sean had given me the night before at my appointment. I immediately thought back to his time in NICU. I can still feel his little baby hair I Wasn’ton the right side of my jaw. I also still can remember how his tiny ribs felt under my left hand. He was so small!!! Two months premature makes you that way and he only weighed 4 pounds and 11 ounces.

But it wasn’t until today that I thought about it, we ARE that book. Love you Firever!!!:

Version 1.0.0

This wasn’t my favorite book and I thought it was weird that the man carries the Mom and put her into bed.

I preferred this book:

Version 1.0.0

I carried this book in Sean’s diaper bag, and I’ve read it to him often when we were out! I gift it to my friends when they have baby showers because it is very androgynous child!

I had already gotten out of bed and had my prayers and most of routine finished for the day when it dawned on me that is EXACTLY who Me and Sean are now. I didn’t think it would be when he was 23 and I was 42; I wasn’t ready for this! But that’s how it is now, I suppose.