If it Ain’t Broke…

I had my ultrasound today and Sean was ace!!! As I was laying on the table, I looked at the ceiling drop-down tiles and realized that I have been here before. 25 years ago!!! I had my ultrasound to find out the sex of my baby 25 years ago!

I told that to Sean and the fact that his dad giggled when he found out that we were having a boy.

As we were there, Sean told me that he did not realize how much he has been in that medical building before! Fairlane was where his pediatrician was located. I think they moved to where they are now when Sean was about 10 or 11.

When I was in college, Sean went to doctor appointments with my Mom and Dad all the time!!! My Dad would go to the cardiology clinic which is right next to the Pediatrics clinic. Sean’s godfather’s mom worked at the cardiology clinic. We would see her all the time!

Well, they changed the building again. They actually lopped off the whole pediatrics Clinic. It looked so weird to me!

I thought that I was going to where I had my lamaze classes when I was pregnant but instead, I went to the radiology clinic where I found out what Sean was. I like the familiarity of the place! I have been going there for my whole life and I guess Sean has as well! I guess I am a lifelong Dearborn resident and if it ain’t broke…

I think that my doctor wanted me to schedule an ultrasound because I think that I have had MS for so long that it is beginning to affect my organs. The tech, Olga, was beyond wonderful, and she took a whole lot of pictures! She told me that the doctor will contact me and information will be on my chart.

Well, my visit is in MyChart, but the doctor has not commented on it yet. Olga said that would be in the next couple days. Maybe Monday?

I am going to cancel my appointment with Dr. Clark because it will be too cold for me and reschedule when it’s not super cold! I will just continue taking my supplements as I have been. Dr. Claus will dose me when it’s NOT so cold!

So, it looks like I am done for January after all, and I am exhausted!!!