
As my disease progresses, I’m quite startled at how things things that I used to do with ease, I no longer can do. I had one of those realizations today, and I know it’s no big deal, but it kind of bothers me!

Let me ‘splain ya:

Sean and I have known that Dove chocolate is the BEST chocolate around for a long time! Since Sean has been alive, I have been on a diet. However, I will break my diet for some Dove chocolate!!!

For instance, each Christmas, I would always get him a big bag of Dove milk chocolate candy to put in his stocking that we would share. It kind of sounds familiar that one Christmas, I bought myself Dove chocolate as well to put into my stocking so that we would have more chocolate to eat together! That sounds like something I would do! We would both read the quote in the wrapper aloud and I would save the wrappers of the quotes that I liked! I know that I have shared wrappers that I’ve liked over the years both on Facebook and on Twitter via my blog.

I told my Mom in the summer of 2019 that, “Eating is no longer easy or enjoyable!” Because it no longer is! I have written about what I eat before and it is just ‘tack and gruel’ like a pirate, at this point. (overnight oats with added protein and crackers)

I have been telling my Mom as of late, since just before Christmas, I think, when she would want me to look at something, I say, kind of startled, “I can’t see that.”

So then here is today, I got Dove and mint chocolate for Christmas. I had to stop having milk chocolate because I think.my, “Lactose not a good idea” is getting to be a little bit much in terms that I am extremely phlegmy whenever I have milk now.

I switched over to Dove dark chocolate, and I was having no problem with that! I think me and Sean eating Dove chocolate was when he was younger and now I have been eating dark chocolate for years! But MS continues progressing and dark chocolate has proved to be too hard for me to bite into with all the muscles in my mouth not really working that well anymore.

I found that dark and mint Dove chocolate is okay for me to eat! The dark does not have lactose, and the mint makes the dark a little bit softer, so I can bite into it! I love mint chocolate!!! thin mints are my favorite Girl Scout cookie, and they have been forever!!!

I eat one square a day. Looking at how Dove has their logo on the chocolate, I would always know where I should bite into it, based on where the writing was. However, today, I realized that, I can no longer see that. I just have to bite into the chocolate in a corner of the square. Sometimes it’s the top with the logo and sometimes it’s not.

I think that I am getting more OCD as I age but it kind of is a bummer that I can’t feel the indented part of the chocolate. I just bite into it now. I have to deal with this disease progression, but my Mom already got the van for my ultrasound tomorrow. It’s ‘go time’ again tomorrow, and Sean is coming with us just in case he has to lift me onto the table.