“Scripted and Scheduled”

I want to first put everyone at ease that today, I did NOT spasm while opening my supplements. Thank God! I think it’s terrible that I did yesterday so I know that it IS possible and having seen, Love and Other Drugs, I know what it looks like AND that it IS possible for me. That’s a little bit scary!

I’m not even sure what I was talking about with my Mom, but I let her know that my entire life is, “Scripted and scheduled.”

She agreed silently as I explained how my entire life is both scripted and scheduled. I do the same thing every day! I think I have been doing that for a few years now!

Actually, I first realized that I was technically homebound in December 2023, so it hasn’t been a few years. But I have been doing the same thing for a few years now! I told my Mom that I’m not upset about that because I know what’s expected of me.

So, I guess I don’t MIND my life being ‘scripted and scheduled,’ but I NEVER thought that my life would be ENTIRELY this way but that seems to be where I find myself. ‘Go Time’ is in a couple weeks. Three appointments this month so three van rentals.