My Real Life

I was not at all prepared for what 24 years of having MS would feel like. Well, it feels terrible!!! Absolutely terrible!!!

I have been telling my Mom that MS is a ‘Mother B*tch’ but she doesn’t like me saying that! But I think I call it like I see it! And it’s brutal!

I was just talking with my Mom about when I was on Canadian crutches, and I said, “To think this would end in a power chair…”

And now about all of my #NotSoRandomReposts this morning on Facebook and Twitter of my blog posts. Mornings for me are really difficult for me now, actually, mornings are nonexistent. I mean in the afternoon when I wake up, it’s really difficult.

It’s so hard to deal with my disease progression! I am just trying to deal with it as it comes, but this is what happened today:

Upon waking, I have to stay in bed for two rosaries to try to convince myself to be awake because my entire body is killing me. And when I call my Mom over, she gets me out of bed, and then the race begins.

I am extremely groggy when I wake, and when I get to the living room, I just say one word to her, “Detox.” that’s when my Mom will give me just a little bit of hot water with 10 drops of the detox in the morning and at night. I take every morning on an empty stomach. I then say a rosary because after 20 minutes of having just the detox in my system, I have to add a ‘mouthful of dirt.’ that’s the Ceylon cinnamon that I will take for the rest of my life! I then say another rosary and a divine mercy chaplet before I take my morning supplements.

This is all routine stuff for me now because we’ve been doing it for I think a little over a year now. But I was not prepared at all for what happened today, after I was done praying after taking my cinnamon, it was time for me to take my supplements.

I have to take nine of these supplements a day so I take three with each meal. I just pillaged yesterday, so my pills are in my pillbox. This particular supplement, I have to take out of its own bottle.

And here is where the, Love and Other Drugs reference comes in:

I was sitting in my chair and grabbed the bottle of the supplement that I take with my meals, but as I grabbed a bottle, I spasmed. I’m not sure if it was my back or my arms or maybe even my hands; or maybe all three because I could not open the bottle just like Anne Hathaway in Love and Other Drugs.

I even breathed weirdly out of my mouth just like she did as she tried to open the bottle when she was having a flare.

All I could think was think that she was acting, but this was my real life! And it’s so scary now!!