it’s starting to feel real now. In 26 days, I will have had MS for 24 years. I am reminded of my first year teaching. It was in my first year when I turned 24.
I was still a kid back then and birthdays have always been so Important to me! I had a countdown to my birthday written on the board in the front of my room!
I told my kids that I am going to be, “24 karat” with a smile! Birthdays are a big deal for me but I really don’t celebrate them very much. I mean I don’t need presents or anything! But I was thinking about that memory today but I don’t think I’m going to be smiling on December 28 and I won’t say that I’m “24 karat.”
I remember when Sean turned 17 and I played for him ABBA as he got ready for school. I was already not working. then, but I still was used to getting up super early so I would wake him up from my bed with that song for a month before his birthday.
All of that seems like a lifetime ago. I’m pretty sure that December 28 is going to be like the last 23. I am quiet on that day. I really can’t believe this is my life now…