Oh, hi.

When I awoke with this afternoon, the work that my Mom and I do to get me out of bed is immensely involved to say the least!

Once I am ready to get out of my room when I’m all situated and in my chair, my Mom will walk to the dining room and turn the light on. After she does that, I can turn my bedroom light off. It’s like that now because my vision is fading fast.

After my Mom turns the light on, she will go to the kitchen sink to soap up the washcloth to help me wash my hands. Well, this morning I forgot that Sean put the tree up yesterday and fluffed and everything!

I usually stop my chair exactly where the Christmas tree is for my Mom to help me wash my hands. Well, today was different as soon as I looked up when I rolled into the living room, I had totally forgotten that Sean put the tree up and it startled me. I said audibly, “Oh hi.”

I smiled to myself because I absolutely LOVE my tree!!! Today was a low-key day and I’m not sure when Phase 2 will commence yet…