The Small One

This evening, I was by myself, so I decided to watch a movie from my youth:

I have seen this many movie since my youth! I can’t even tell you how many times I saw it every single year! As I was watching today, I was taken back to my Parents’ living room with the green carpet! My Mom has hardwood for now, as do I. My brother did it for us!

it is still just how I remember it, even the three guys singing! I was not prepared for was how emotional I got at the very end!:

it is dusk, and he needed to sell his donkey before he goes back home. They are both dejected, and then Joseph shows up and asks about the donkey. The little boy was told to sell him for one piece of silver, which is all that Joseph can offer.

I lost it at the ending scene! After seeing the auctioneer make fun of him! This is such a great movie and I found it on Disney+! 25 minutes long and I really liked it!!! I really liked the singing!!! “Clink, clink. Clank, clank…” 😂😂😂😂😂