“Shake Up Christmas”

OK, I just have to hear the Train Christmas song so I will post it here:


I am really not liking how the video is not posting as a video, it’s just a link. Think it’s because I have an iPhone 12 which is our archaic right now. But just click the hyperlink and you will hear this song.

I remember I saw him in a Hallmark movie. I think it was when of the song first came out. He was. a music teacher or something. I didn’t like seeing him act! He looked like a very small man and I did not like it. It was far cry different from the shirtless guy and tight pants singing “Marry Me” as he walked through the crowd! I will always remember that that was the first time that I saw a hairy chest and I was not disgusted by it because I was already 28 years old!

Regardless, I really dig this song! It came out the second year of living in our house.