
This last ‘go time,’ I forwent my haircut for my Mom to get my chair serviced. We should have gotten the van the night before because my chair needed to be in Troy at 1:30 but we were able to do it! My Mom was not able to pick up the lasagna though.

I talked to Sean because he is ending the season with irrigation. He actually picked up the lasagna and brought it to the house. He put in the oven. and I was beaming as I was sitting in my manual chair, unable to move at all!

He actually put Amazon prime on my TV and then he started perusing the viewing options. He was excited about all the series that were available. He was looking for a movie for us to watch and he asked if I wanted See Doctor No from 1962. Sean Connery, James Bond.

I agreed, and I told him that I DID name him after Sean Connery, but I think it might have been Sean O’Reilly, who was in first grade when I was watching his class at lunch when I was in eighth grade. That’s a possibility! That kid was really cute!

We only saw about 20 minutes of it before my Mom got back and he already got with four different women! We didn’t finish watching the movie when my Mom got home but I think that is something I will watch later just because I want to see what it was all about.