Respect the Supplement Taking

I remember back when I was in middle school or even high school, my Dad would take 22 pills a day. I remember that because he used to line them all up on his lower lip. Once they were all lined up, he would take one swig of water to wash them down.

I’ve been thinking about that for a while. I take more than 22 pills a day. But unlike my dad, I am NOT on a liquid intake restrictive diet and I am not on dialysis either. I realized this probably last week, mid week.

I take a lot more vitamins now. And actually they are called supplements. For dinner, I think I take seven a day. So midweek last week, I just thought I could pop the pills into my mouth with just a little bit of water. While I was watching a Hallmark movie. That did not work out well at all!!!

I think it was because I was her hurriedly doing it with not a lot of water but the partially digested pills ended up in the back of my throat and in my nasal cavity.

I think I was coughing for about 10 or 15 minutes and chugging water to get the taste out of my mouth and out of my nose as well. My Mom suggested that I spray my mouth with Thieves Oil that I have but I told her that is too intense and I don’t want to deal with that too!

After this 15 minute choking ordeal, and I will never forget what that tasted like in my mouth and what it felt like in my nose, I have chosen, just to respect the supplement taking! I constantly have to remind myself that I am no longer the same person that I used to be and I no longer possess the same abilities! #MSsucks!!! 😒😒😒…