So Much More Difficult

It was ‘go time’ today and I got everything done. Yay. But man, it was so much more difficult!!! I am still trying to wrap my head around it right now. All I know is of October 28, 2023, I woke up with my hips burning, both of them! That was the day that I started using wedges every night to save my hips.

I realized then that my disease was progressing but I am not sure that I know how to handle what happened today at my doctor appointment and my subsequent haircut. My Mom had to put my coat on for me completely. Like I was a child. It was really cold for me today and I wore my winter coat and hat.

But, tomorrow, after my knee x-ray, we are going to the Cider Mill!!! I have been looking forward to this since last year and it WON’T rain tomorrow like last year…

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