And I Cried!!!

I received this text at 4:46 PM but I did not see it till probably after 10:30. This was shocking, and I showed my Mom my phone!!!

Such an icon! I forwarded that first text to Sean, but he was already asleep so I unsent it because this is terrible news and I’ll talk to him tomorrow. But I saw this on Twitter and I cried!!! I can’t even watch football anymore at this point, but hearing him talk about U of M made me cry!!!

Space Heater

Well, we have entered into that strange part of the season between seasons so I had the AC on today and a couple days ago. I had the space heater in my bedroom. I was actually sitting with a space heater blowing on my face, because I no longer can control my body temperature! I just can breathe easier now, but I wonder when I will start to freeze, because that will happen much sooner than I wanted to, but it will!

A Little Bit Scary!!!

I pillaged today like I do every Saturday:

But today, I had a change of plan. Last week, as I was distributing pills into my pillbox, my hands felt very uneasy and I couldn’t control my fingers. I thought it was because I was drinking a shake instead of eating dinner. I ate dinner tonight before I pillaged and my hands still got shaky as I was counting out the pill that I take 70 of a week.

Right now, as I am sitting here, thinking about how difficult it was for me to pillage even AFTER I ate dinner, it just points to disease progression. That’s what it is! But now, I am counting out 35 pills a day. I am going back to my naturopath on the 18th. I’m going to have him dose me for some of my supplements. I feel that my needs are changing and it’s a little bit scary!!!

Officially Fall

I saw this meme on Facebook Today:

I had already posted this one because Fall was my favorite season even before I was diagnosed with MS!!!

I made the executive decision today, actually yesterday, to stop using my cucumber mint chapstick, because there was just a little bit left and it was kind of hurting my lips so I threw it out and this morning I started pomegranate.

So, it is officially Fall for me now! I’m sure it will get to be winter way too fast because I currently am wearing socks instead of my bare feet. My Mom broke her pinky, the base of it, so I’m not wearing my compression socks right now.

Maybe Friday?

So, this is the my Spring/Summer chapstick:

My next haircut appointment is for September 18 and I have also made an appointment with my naturopath that day. So, I have NOT left my house since July, but I really want to finish this Spring/Chapstick! I’m staring at my Fall chapstick box in my remote control box and I can’t wait! Maybe Friday?


Well, I woke up this morning, and I feel different. I feel differently than I did in the beginning of June all the way through August! This was horrible! I’m not even sure if it’s over ‘for real, for real’ but today I feel different. I can breathe a little easier.

Yesterday, my Mom told me that I was frowning when I woke up. She thought it was not a restful sleep. And I told her it IS NOT a restful wake up! I don’t even remember what waking up feeling rested feels like anymore!

I’ve seen so many memes on Facebook about the ‘Ber months being the best and now I totally agree!!!

I have always loved back to school but now that I no longer teach, I am loving Halloween more because Sean’s birthday is so close to it and I have time to watch Hocus Pocus now! At least I get a little reprieve from the horrible feeling in the heat But, the cold weather is coming probably faster than I want it but I am thinking out the fact that I am different from last winter. This disease progression is killer!!!

September Faves 2024

This song came up in my Apple Music playlist after my James Blunt playlis finished, I have been playing this song on loop constantly because… yeah…:

But for the last week, I have been listening to James Blunt because he showed up on my Apple Music playlist after my Train playlist finished so to him probably since the 21st August and these are my faves because I am in my second department doing the dishes and Sean is asleep: