
I had a memory last night, and as my Mom was getting me into bed and putting my feet up, I told her about it. I asked the question, “Do you remember when I was like 10 and I was at Kroger with you and Jimmy and we heard that ‘Jennifer’ song that Abuela used to sing to me?!”

I remember walking down an aisle toward the milk or the meat or something in the back of the store, and we heard the song that my Abuela used to me ALL OF THE TIME!!!

My brother, Jimmy and I were singing it, and I was so shocked! At that point, my Abuela had been dead for a couple years, and I looked at my Mom, and I said, “I thought Abuela made that up!”

She would sing my name, and then just, ‘la la la la la la la la.’ This song came out in 1968 so of course I would NOT know it!

So, I asked my Mom that not thinking that she would search for the song on her phone. She remembers my Abuela that song to me too! But then she started playing the song. I was totally shocked at how fast I began crying!!!

I could hear my Abuela singing that to me, smelled burning tortillas in her kitchen, and hear her Chanclas on the floor, and she shuffled around in the kitchen. She had really bad Bunions so her chanklas were just on half of her foot, and her heels hung out the back. I cried last night thinking about it!

I thought about that again this morning as we were getting ready for our ‘go time,’ and I started crying again! As I am writing this, I’m still hearing my Abuela and I’m thinking about the stale cookies in her cookie jar that we all would eat when she offered them, the Christmas candy from the Goodfellows, the fact that she liked the show ‘Alf’ and she would say to us all, “You old fart!”

I am going to start my Ginger Spice chapstick right after Thanksgiving, and that completely reminds me of her!!! I can clearly hear the shuffle of her Chanclas!!!

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