Every Four Months OR “I’m Sick”

My Mom and I got our teeth cleaned today at the same dentist office I have been going to since I was seven. I also had my braces through this office. They were a orthodontist back then as well! Sean even goes there as well. He was three when he started going there. I remember that I asked Dr. Fox one time when Sean was getting his teeth cleaned if he needed braces and he just said, “Yes.”

Sean was probably six or seven at the time, and I told him, “It looks like I’m going to have to spend as much money as my Dad did!” Because I have known my dentist for so long, said, “Oh, you don’t want to spend that much money!” Three of my older brothers, and I had braces through that office.

I have had my hygienist, Kristin for a number of years. She had worked at Dr. Fox‘s office previously and then came back. I took x-rays today and she told me that my teeth are beautiful. Dr. Kassem said the same thing. Teeth are very important to me, and I liked hearing that!

After my x-rays but before Dr. Kassem came in, Kristen let me know that there was some tartar on the right side of my lower jaw in the back. There is also tartar on the bottom front teeth as well. She asked if I was still using an electric toothbrush, and I said yes. She said. She saidthat she knows that I am trying, but she suggested that I come to the dentist every four months from here on out.

Hearing that startled me beyond anything!!! I told her that it is becoming a little more difficult to floss now. Sarah came in and took my chart to write down our return date for our next cleaning. I talked about the four-month thing with my Mom after I came out of the room with Kristin because my Mom was already finished.

After my Mon got me locked into the van, and we were driving away, she told me that my Dad got cleanings every four months. I was totally shocked, and I told her that I have never known that for my entire life! She told me that she used to take medication before each cleaning, and I told her that I vaguely remembered that, but I did not know that he was going every four months! I guess that just proves that I’m sick now. Like I haven’t been for the past 23 years but that’s kind of hurts a little bit…

As I am sitting in my chair in my house, am thinking about all of this. Kristin told me that my insurance only pays for two cleanings and an x-ray each year. I would need to pay out-of-pocket for my third cleaning. She said that it is not an exam and you don’t need x-rays so it will only be $105 out of pocket.

I talked to Sean tonight about it and he said that I probably should go because having problems with my gums, which Kristin said were a little bit Inflamed is not some thing that I should mess around given my current health situation.

I think I will call and make an appointment for January I guess… I have an appointment with the pain clinic for my knee and after that, I am getting my flu shot in the same building and then that’s it for September! I also have a Visual Field Test on October 1! So much stuff!!! #MSsucks!!! 😒😒😒…

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