“It’s So Darn Cute!” OR ‘Masterpiece’

Sean has always had crazy cowlicks and I attributed to his dad because I remember seeing a picture of his dad with a really big cowlick on the right side of his head when he was like 12 years old or something.

We moved out of my Parents’ house when Sean was three years old and my Mom would call me on the weekends to tell me that my Dad had not seen Sean all day and to come over and she will make us dinner. I loved receiving those calls all the time, I would never comb Sean’s hair when he was three years old. My mom would comment on it all the time!

She would ask me if I combed this child’s hair today?! I would just smile and shake my head and tell her that, “It’s so darn cute!” as she would comb his hair.

Now, let’s fast forward to me having a mass for 23 years. I can no longer have my hair be as long as it was for my whole life! I don’t even have the strength to wash my hair myself anymore. My Mom washes my hair and I put it up in a towel as I always have but when I am going to dry my hair, I dry it like a man because it is so short. I never thought I would say that in 1 million years!

I’m still getting used to having my hair so short especially because it curls now. I didn’t get my haircut in August because I got my wheelchair assessed. It needs a new actuator. Whatever that is?! My hair had two months of growth before I got it cut. It felt very strange growing in and I asked my Mom to take pictures of my hair before I get it cut. She took a few pictures:

My Mom snapped these pictures just before we got our haircut and as soon as I rolled into the spot to get my haircut, I looked at Christina and told her that, “I NEVER realized what a masterpiece she has done with my hair!” She kind of shook her head dismissively and told me that she has been cutting my hair for over 20 years. I told her that I never realized that I had so many cowlicks and she cuts it so my hair fall so nicely, even when it gets overgrown, like it did last month!!!

You KNOW that this song was playing in my head as I was telling her that my hair was a ‘masterpiece.’ This song definitely dates me, but it was back when I was still teaching and still part of the world. And by the way, Sean gets those cowlicks from me. And I get them from my Dad.

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