12 Years

Yesterday, we witnessed a mom caregiver struggle with her son to get into a car. He was in a manual wheelchair. There was another woman who was going into the chiropractor office as well. My Mom got out of the van to investigate and talk to the woman. I just sat in the van and waited.

it wasn’t until this morning when my Mom was getting me out of bed when I kind of looked at her in disbelief and told her that I can’t believe that we did that what that woman did with her son for 12 years!!! My Mom and I are the same height (she’s a little shorter now) and that makes it a little easier, but it was definitely extremely difficult!

I saw this meme on Facebook last night after we got back from our haircut and ‘go time’ was over:

I am in a power chair now at the suggestion of my wheelchair tech at the time, Christie, and we are Facebook friends now.

Seeing that posted on the elevator hurt my soul and I said that on Facebook:


Seeing that last night, brought back all those memories of NOT being able to do things from a manual wheelchair And I thought about that man and his mom. But that used to be me and my Mom!!!

I fought getting a power chair for a long time and it was actually Christie who asked me as she was watching me roll around my house, “Aren’t you tired?!” I hadn’t really thought about it, but the answer was, “Yes. 100%!” I just didn’t want to lose my upper body strength by using a power chair.

Fast forward to 2016 and it’s extremely painful to have your meniscus torn and therefore I had no choice but to get into a power chair. And as for the upper body strength, yeah, it’s all gone now! But things are so much easier in power chair!!!

When my Mom got out the car and talked to that woman, and there was another woman outside as well who was also a caregiver, the woman helping her son thanked my Mom and the other woman and said people just walk by all the time. Oh man, I remember that as well!!!

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