
Today was the first leg of ‘go time.’ I have two appointments next week because we are getting our teeth cleaned on Tuesday and then I am going to the pain clinic for the first time at Henry Ford on Friday!

Then, the following Tuesday, I am going to get a Visual Field T est done add Henry Ford in Troy. And lastly, on October 17 after our haircut on the 16th, we are going to the Cidermill!!!!

This is a whole lot of stuff for the next three weeks! I just wish that I wasn’t so nervous because I am so spent today! I work out, I do have faith in that. I just can’t believe how tired I am! All I did today was go to my naturopathic and get a haircut.

it was 81° when I was out and about so that made it difficult as well! I definitely didn’t feel the fall breeze today but maybe I can feel it on Tuesday or Friday coming up. Either way October 1 is coming! But man, I am SPENT!!!

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