“Naked Water”

This morning, for the first time since probably 2011, I had, “Naked water.” I have been drinking lemon infused water since probably 2011. I remember writing about DoTerra when I first started my blog. That’s the company where I get my OnGuard essential oil toothpaste and lemon essential oil in a little bottle.

We ordered it a couple weeks ago I think when my Mom got paid but it still has not come. It usually takes a week to come. My Mom called this morning and it should be here tomorrow. It is the weirdest thing in the world to drink, “Naked Water!”

My first Yeti has lemon in it as well as silver. My next Yeti is just naked water. I drink roughly 2 30oz Yeti cups of water a day. It was startling to start off with naked water this morning for sure!

The woman said that it’s supposed to come tomorrow. Tomorrow is ‘go time’ so we’ll see. I appreciate having the silver in my water as well because that makes my teeth tingle. I am getting ‘dosed’ for a number of things tomorrow. Three or four things. I wonder when this disease progression will slow down… if it ever will?!

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