Gearing Up

I have already begun gearing up for this month’s outing. I am getting a much-needed haircut on Wednesday. I am also going to see my naturopath before I get my haircut. He will see my overgrown eyebrows?! I’m a little embarrassed about that but it cannot be helped. I have to get dosed for a couple of my supplements. My needs are changing medically.

We are getting our teeth cleaned the following Tuesday and then I am going to the pain clinic for my knee. This is the first time that I have gone to the pain clinic but I know what I need!

I think it’s a little crazy that right after I go to the pain clinic, I have a visual field test on October 1. I haven’t had a visual field test for a while and I’m nervous for what it will show. I already know that I’m having issues with my eyes but I don’t know what extent. I’m gonna find out on October 1. My appointment is at 3 o’clock. I hope that I’m not too bummed out to watch Hocus Pocus! That IS the first of October…

One thought on “Gearing Up”

  1. That’s funny. I just remembered not too long ago how much you love Hocus Pocus and we love it too, but I love them both. My daughter wasn’t crazy about the second one, but I liked it.

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