
This morning, a random memory popped in my head as I awakened and I teased it out so I could remember it more and I could remember more things about it. It is the sweetest memory!!!

I think that I first have to preface this with a not so sweet memory. But I’ll be quick. I think it must’ve been November 3 when this baby was born. She was Sean’s neighbor in NICU. I got all of his information from nurses talking with each other. A baby was born when Sean was in NICU, and her mother never came to see her. Her grandmother did not even know that her daughter was pregnant and no one came to see her.

We heard that as we were sitting with Sean. I remember crying because I had just had a child and I told Sean’s dad that we had to take her home with us! He just said kind of exasperated, “Jen, we just had one of our own!” I remember nodding but still feeling terrible for that baby. I could see her because she was right next to Sean. She was cute!!! The nurses were on the schedule to take turns to hold her to help with her development.

But now, here comes the fun memory. When Sean left NICU, I had already made appointments for him. He needed to see an ophthalmologist. Being premature, that affects the eyes.

We had an appointment for sometime in February. And I remembered that because at that appointment, Sean was three months old and finally fit into 0 to 3 month clothing!!! But he had a mint one piece long sleeved, onesie/loungewear thing on.

Sean was all bundled up because it was cold and we were waiting for our turn. They were probably about four or five other mothers with car seats for their premature babies as well.

Having a premature baby was pretty stressful! But this day, I remember seeing an absolutely bubbly woman with shorter light hair probably in her mid 30s. She had a long coat on and she put her baby down as she unbuttoned her coat. I was sitting there just waiting, and she looked at me and told me so excitingly that she had just got this baby on Monday!

I smiled at her, and I think I told her ‘congratulations’ She continued telling me that this baby was slightly premature and a bunch of Doctor’s appointments already scheduled before she got her. She said that’s why she was there.

It was nice to see how excited she was and I remember she started unzipping the cover to her baby’s car seat.
I checked on Sean, who I had unbundled, just as I turned my head to the right, she had the cute baby next to Sean in NICU!!!

I have no idea what made me think of this almost 23-year-old memory because Sean will be 23 in November, but it was a sweet memory to wake up to! That woman was so happy! But thinking of how bubbly she was, makes me think of this song as well. We was living in our second apartment when I told Sean that this is what “Good Kids moms’’” want for Christmas. He asked me that when he was five or six. I cut myself the CD and put it in my stocking:

I did not tell that woman that I recognized her baby but then Sean and I were called, I think we just gave each other well wishes as I went back for the appointment.

I think it’s crazy how random memories popped into my head but I enjoy thinking about them because I was more ‘able’ then.

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