“Just Take the Candy!”

I used to go with Sean and my Mom to take Sean trick-or-treating when he was young and I was more able-bodied. I saw this meme yesterday and I started to laugh and I will tell you why:

It was 2005 and I think Sean was a werewolf? Trick-or-trusting when he was young was pretty organized. I’m OCD.

Sean ALWAYS wanted to choose his candy bucket and he didn’t like the idea of pillow cases until he was older. I remember that it was my first year teaching and we were allowed to wear understated costumes while we taught. I borrowed my cousinT, Shannon’s fairy wings and I covered my face with glitter.

I had taught that day and I was tired and still had my glitter on. Retrospectively, I should have forced myself to walk with my crutches!!! But, I didn’t and my Mom pushed me on the sidewalk while Sean went to each house with my Mom. I stayed on the sidewalk and I had a pillowcase with Sean’s overflow candy so his bucket wasn’t too heavy.

As Sean and my Mom came back to the sidewalk, she had a strange and somewhat amused look on her face and said as she grabbed my handles. She whispered urgently, kind of under her breath, “Just take the candy!”

I didn’t know what she meant until the homeowner who just gave Sean candy walked directly over to me with her bowl of candy. I immediately knew what my Mom meant and I smiled and held up the pillowcase that had a little bit of candy it.

As she came close, I said, “Trick-or-treat” and thanked her as we went to the next house. My Mom told me that she noticed, “The girl in the wheelchair!” That’s why she came to me. I told my Mom that I cannot believe that I just trick-or-treated and I was a professional and 23!!! My Mom just shrugged and told me that it was for Sean. Well, it was!!!

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