A Little Bit Scary!!!

I pillaged today like I do every Saturday:

But today, I had a change of plan. Last week, as I was distributing pills into my pillbox, my hands felt very uneasy and I couldn’t control my fingers. I thought it was because I was drinking a shake instead of eating dinner. I ate dinner tonight before I pillaged and my hands still got shaky as I was counting out the pill that I take 70 of a week.

Right now, as I am sitting here, thinking about how difficult it was for me to pillage even AFTER I ate dinner, it just points to disease progression. That’s what it is! But now, I am counting out 35 pills a day. I am going back to my naturopath on the 18th. I’m going to have him dose me for some of my supplements. I feel that my needs are changing and it’s a little bit scary!!!

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