
Well, I woke up this morning, and I feel different. I feel differently than I did in the beginning of June all the way through August! This was horrible! I’m not even sure if it’s over ‘for real, for real’ but today I feel different. I can breathe a little easier.

Yesterday, my Mom told me that I was frowning when I woke up. She thought it was not a restful sleep. And I told her it IS NOT a restful wake up! I don’t even remember what waking up feeling rested feels like anymore!

I’ve seen so many memes on Facebook about the ‘Ber months being the best and now I totally agree!!!

I have always loved back to school but now that I no longer teach, I am loving Halloween more because Sean’s birthday is so close to it and I have time to watch Hocus Pocus now! At least I get a little reprieve from the horrible feeling in the heat But, the cold weather is coming probably faster than I want it but I am thinking out the fact that I am different from last winter. This disease progression is killer!!!

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