“I Hate Feeling like a Zombie.”

Yesterday was super warm, and I did NOT feel well at all! My mantra in this heat for this entire summer has been, “I’m hanging in.” And man, has it been difficult?!!! Last night, when we were almost ready to get ready for bed, I told my Mom in a monotone voice, “ I hate feeling like a zombie.”

Because that is how I feel. I feel it in my face, I am dragging so much! So, you know exactly what song was in my head immediately after I said that?! It was so warm that I did not even look it up on YouTube yesterday. I looked it up today before I started drafting this blog post:

It’s been a while since I have watched this music video for sure! One thing I noticed that is different from my 12-year-old Jenny’s impression of this video is at 12 years old, I could not understand why she did NOT have a flat stomach?!

But now, watching this video right now as a 42 year old woman who has had a child I completely understand why her stomach is NOT flat! Duh!!!

I had a hard time believing that today was even warmer than yesterday, and I had to force myself to eat my lunch at 90° weather! It took me so long to eat my lunch! But it won’t be summer all year so that is something to look forward to. The temperatures have come down a little bit in the evening, so I can breathe a little easier now.

I watched the video today before I posted this blog post, and as I was watching it, I started to cry. I’m not even sure why I did but I think it’s probably the heat but I vaguely thought about the fact that she is dead now…

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