23 Years?!

I have NOT left my house for all of August! I had a virtual appointment with my neurologist on the 9th and I forwent my haircut/eyebrow wax to get my chair assessed. I did receive the bill from NSM and the actuator and pelvis stabilizer replacements should be in sometime next month. I will have to coordinate the van rentals. Maybe we can do it on one of the days we’re already getting the van. For September, I am getting a haircut, going to the dentist to get our teeth cleaned, and going to the pain clinic regarding my knee.

Then, I have a Visual Field Test on October 1. It’s been a while since I have had a Visual Field Test. And now, my Mom will accompany me to my appointment. My insurance changed while I was working so I had to leave my normal eye doctor and I went to a different place in Lincoln Park. I had two Visual Field Tests there, but I did not see the results. The doctor did not show me the paper like Dr. Skarf did. I was not notified when I was diagnosed with abatis in BOTH of my eyes.

I remember when I saw Dr. Skarf for the first time. It was at Henry Ford Fairlane and I was about five months pregnant at the time. It was the first time that I put my face into this ‘dog cone’ dome thing and I had a little clicker in my hand. (each test I have had, they always hand me the clicker to my right hand, and then I move it to my left and tell them that I am left-handed) I was told that each time I saw a light blink, I should press the clicker.

I remember that Dr. Skarf showed me my results. It was a picture of two circles that were my eyeballs. On the right eye, like a crescent on the outside of it and it was just a little bit gray. I asked him about that, and I was diagnosed with the optic neuritis in my right eye that day. He told me that I am ‘super pregnant’ and there is nothing he can do for me. He told me to come back after I had the baby and he will help me. He also told me that I shouldn’t be really concerned because he has seen people with full black parts in both eyes.

I’ve been thinking about my impending Visual Field Test (with Dr. Bansal because Dr. Skarf has retired) in this miserable heat! My vision gets a little wonky in the heat, but I do wonder what my eyeballs will look like!?! I have already told my Mom the story about what my eyes looked like the only time I saw it. I am concerned about black spots in both of my eyes mostly my right eye! It’s been 23 years?!

I am back to my original eye doctor through Henry Ford now that I have HAP Senior Plus insurance because I have been disabled for so long. Which is a little bit crazy because I am only 42 but being on HAP Senior Plus pays 100% for my cleanings and x-rays, which is the extent of my dental work! That’s a first!

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