So it Seems?!

So, yesterday. It was terrible, right?! At 95° outside, tears just streamed down my face all day long! I was so uncomfortable that’s just what happened! If I was not crying, I was just sobbing silently with my shoulders shaking because it was miserable!!! I talked to Sean yesterday and he agreed with me that it was so hot because he was working in it and he was concerned about me. I was very concerned about how much longer I would have to take it and I saw this meme on Facebook today:

I added this comment to my repost:


This is the last of my Spring/Summer, chapstick. I used all four tubes!!! (I have no idea how I did that with the picture by the way!) I was just telling my Mom today that I can no longer control my hands even more so and it’s a little bit startling!

AnyWho, I think I have about six or seven days to use the rest of this chapstick before I pull out my Fall box. It’s sitting in the box with my remote controls right now.

I really cannot believe that I used all four tubes but this heat was insane and the fact that I am homebound, I think my chapstick addiction has come out! I read that some years ago about people being addicted to chapstick, but I think my body hurts so much all the time that I need a little bit of a reprieve from that so I smear chapstick on my lips constantly and rub the softness of them together A LOT so it seems?!

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