
So, I went to see Dr. Clark in July and he changed the dosage of a couple of my supplements and he added colloidal silver. Yana told me before we left that we can get it next month because she knows that both me and my Mom are on fixed income.

“Go time” for me this month consisted of me being Wade from Kim Possible! but my Mom was able to pick it up Yesterday:

I didn’t know what kind my Mom got from Zerbo’s, but this was the actual bottle that Yanna gave Dr. Clark to test on my body. I was tested for 25 drops a day. He told me just to add to my water. I drink about one and a half to two Yeti’s of water a day and my Mom put it in my water this morning.

I felt my eyes get really big the first sip I took this morning after taking my morning vitamins, started my shake, and took Goli. It didn’t taste any differently but once I swallowed it, I looked at my Mom and told her that it tastes “Lighter.”

I don’t know how else to explain it, but it feels different on my teeth. Different in a good way I think! Well, I will have more tomorrow, and for the rest of my life, it seems so I’ll have a lot of time to ponder it