A Switch-A-Roo

Tomorrow is supposed to be “Go Time,” but I have made the executive to do a switch-a-too instead and this is what I mean:

I have already written about Saturday night smelling hydraulic fluid when I was transferring back into my chair. I had my Mom call NSM on Monday and she was able to get an appointment for Wednesday. Wednesday, I had rented a van to get my haircut, but I’m just going to let my hair grow (the curls will come out now) and my Mom will drive just my chair to get serviced. I will be in my manual chair in the meantime.

I tore my meniscus eight years ago, so I don’t think it’s going to hurt that badly as I am waiting to get back into my power chair. After my Mom comes back here to switch me back to my power chair, she wi then go to Zerbo’s before she takes the van back.

Tonight, I was telling Sean about it and I told him that I will be the guy on Kim Possible! We started to laugh, and I had to look it up, because neither one of us could remember his name. He was like six at the time. I looked it up and his name is Wade:

I laughed when I found out his name! But my Mom sent me pictures that she took last night of the hydraulic fluid leaking. I will enclose two pictures here. I hope it gets fixed!!!:

I am reclined in the chair in this picture, and my Mom crawled beneath my chair and could see the leak. And then she took better picture:
