Back to School

I think that Sean was in fifth or sixth grade when we were ‘back to school’ shopping and I looked at him and told him that back to school is my favorite time of year, and it will be for the rest of my life!!!

I also remember that year that I had him bring his school list and I had a yellow highlighter to highlight everything we got. I remember a man looked at me and said that that was a really good idea! I told that I was a teacher. I also told him that I usually get two of everything because in January, he’s going to need new supplies!

I remember feeling so helpful back then in this instance. Let’s fast forward to now where I am homebound and stopped working eight years ago. When I woke today, I was cleaning out my emails and I saw a back-to-school Target email. I have seen Kohl’s back to school and a bunch of others. I just delete them. That part is sad but teaching is not part of my life anymore. My certificate expired a few years back anyway.

So, this afternoon, when I was deleting my emails, Back to School shopping was just a passing thought. I remembered that used to love it but the things are different now! I seriously used to think about throwing my manual wheelchair in the trunk of my car before getting into the disabled parking spot at my work when I was 65! It’s crazy that I had to stop at 35 because #MSsucks!!! 😒😒😒 Things are so different for me now…